Thanks, D'artagnen for the bit of help. I racked my little brain trying to recall the name Lew Burdette, who won three games in the World Series that year; two by shutouts against the Yankees.
jpinMilwaukee wrote:By the way... there are 2 spots still open. Tell your friends, tell your neighboors.
Great job filling up already though, this is very promisimg!! One of my fantasy football leagues only had four active out of twelve teams ... it was really disappointing!
Thanks for the invite, fellas, but summer is a really busy time for me, so I really don't get to pay much attention to baseball before September. I'll be ready for the NFL by then, though!
We're down to 32 days before the draft... there are two spots open still.
Two spots still open. Time to go trolling the back alleys of A2K, joe.
I play scrabble sometimes with a lady from Brooklyn who loves baseball. I keep trying to get her to join A2K, but she says that she is too shy to talk to strangers (somehow johnboy is not perceived as a threatening stranger. Go figure).
Tell her to join. We don't bite... hard.
Anon had to back out due to some unforeseen time restraints so we are back down to 7 players. I'd like to get to at least eight players to make this a little bit competitive so if you have any friends/family/neighbors/co-workers/people you meet on the street that might be interested let them know and then nag them until they sign up.
Alright... I got my brother to sign up. His team is the Neophytes. We are back up to 8 teams which is nice but there are still spots open if anyone is interested.
The Draft is tomorrow with opening day soon after. I have changed the number of players from 10 to 8 so who we have playing now is who we have playing for the season.
Here's to a fun season!
Um, jpinmilwaukee, what is it we are expected to do on draft day? Remember that some of us totally stupid when it comes to baseball. And some of us might have forgotten that tomorrow is a key day. Some last minute pm's referencing thise site might be in order. -johnboy-
Good question, RJB. Personally, I'm planning on doing as little as possible, leaving the heavy lifting to the experts who have already ranked the MLB players.
I did my ranking but I can't make it to the draft. I will, however, quaff a draft if that helps.
Ha. I did participate in the draft. I had and still have absolutely no idea of what was going on. I reckon I picked a bunch of players, hopefully the required number in each position. The Yahoo site assumes a certain level of understanding of abbreviations: UT, for example. Anyway, the Rappin Rednecks are ready to take the field. I chose players based on their names and, I believe got a good team composed of white guys, black guys, Hispanics and I may have a Japanese guy.
What happens next, jp?
I had a wonderful pre-ranking of my players, was at the movies while the draft and now find out than Schmokeanapancake practically STOLE Roy Halliday from me, and The Fiery Tamales UNFAIRLY grabbed Jorge CantĂș on the same round I was supposed to nail him.
Anyway, I have a great team and will win again.
I was away most of the afternoon, and just got back. I'm going to go check my roster right now. Hopefully I've got more Hispanic players than RJB.
You were there realjohnboy? Because I thought only jpin and me were drafting real-time. I had to go at round 18 or something so I didn't finish it but I think I got a pretty good team.
I'm still not sure how it all works but I'm willing to learn on the way.
I knew you were hoping for CantĂș, so I had to get him early since I wanted him badly too. But unfairly? That's pushing it a little too much.
Well, my trash talk is that my players are cuter than any of yours.
I got Big Papi!
Not a bad draft.
I too got players stolen out right from under me. Schmokeanapancake ganked Tadahito Igutchi one pick before me (thanks a lot brotha') and Jespah out right ripped off Felix the King one pick before me.
Overall I'm happy with my team. I can't believe A-Rod was there for me at the 3rd pick.
realjohnboy wrote:The Yahoo site assumes a certain level of understanding of abbreviations: UT, for example.
Utility player. It allows you to play one extra player at any position
realjohnboy wrote:What happens next, jp?
Offer trades. Search the waiver wire. Trash talk. Set you line-up and wait for opening day.
Yes, I was at the live draft, randomly picking players whenever it seemed to be my turn. My problem now is that I can see who is on my team, but when I try to print out who are the Rappin Rednecks, I can't do it well because the names are in blue. I searched for the "Printer Friendly" version button on Yahoo. Is it there somewhere?