Re: The Vanport Flood (1948)
I have more to add

. I'm sure it's happened quite a bit with entire towns being erased by a flood, but this one I think should stand out because it's 20,000 people (up to 80,000 at one point.) And at the time it was the countries largest public housing project, and the only one complete with public schools. And the fact that they tried to keep it hush hush when the disaster hit. This town is the very reason why there is such a large black community in Portland today.
See, they did the right thing when they bulldozed the remains of this city and designated the land for recreation only. That's what they should be doing with the lowest parts of New Orleans! Why rebuild something that is going to flood again. This area where Vanport once stood has flooded two more times since 1948. I don't even think it has a working dike anymore.
Here is a satellite image of the land as it is now:
Vanport now (area to the left of the marker)
Here is a map of the city from 1948.
Vanport map in (1948)
I had so much time on my hands yesterday that I took the map and overlayed it onto the satellite image. And when you take it away you can still see the scares on the land where the roads and buildings used to be.
You can see that Bayou lake has been filled in and is now where the Portland International Raceway is.
You can still see Force lake, and you can still see Bayou Slough and Mud Slough in the satellite picture. That'll help get a coordnance (sp?). Right between the two sloughs was the main road into the city and there were hundreds of buildings on either side.