<uproarious laughter with eva>
I can't understand them either. I can't tell you how many times I say, "Would you repeat that please?", while the right side of my brain is cursing ME for staying on the line.
<shakes head at self, right side of brain and little Indian men with pensive voices>
Oh. Gandhi. Bad spelling.
Hey, Indian telemarketers are one thing, but Indian computer customer service people is another. There is nothing more frustrating than to attempt to understand some technical aspect of fixing a computer, only to find that I can't even understand the words that the person is saying.
Hey, I have no problem with outsourcing to India, but I think that a prospective customer service employee should be tested to see if they are understandable to the average American. I live in an area where there are people from all over the country, and I have gotten used to understanding many accents, but Indian, fuggedaboudit!
I talked for three hours to a customer service Indian guy...installing DSL. Two of those hours were me asking him to repeat himself. It goes against the laws of nature, but I felt so maternal toward his little staccato voice.
I think Pepe LePew completely ruined me for French accents.
The phone company (Southwestern Bell via India?) had to call me four times last week before I would talk to them. I kept telling them, "Have someone call me who speaks English." They were just trying to tell me they had lowered my rates (!) but it took them that long to find someone I could understand.
Good thing they weren't trying to actually SELL something!
This could be a solid subject for it's own thread.
Go start one.
This thread is closed.
Joe(That's it)Nation
Do you have the power to close this thread? Can we see some credentials, please? Thank you very much.
No, not even Joe (more likely than most to have the credibility to get away with it) Nation.
Hey, bunny. I never noticed your ears twitching before ;-)
It's appears to be having a twitching, squinching seizure.
Intrepid wrote:Hey, bunny. I never noticed your ears twitching before ;-)
You folk are beginning to worry me with your odd hallucinations.
Looking at the two of you next to each other is making me want a cigarette.
Lash doesn't have an avatar. Man, am I observant, or what?
Hey, when you lost the cigarette your ears stopped twitching.
J_B wrote:
Lash doesn't have an avatar. Man, am I observant, or what?
It was sacrificed for a noble cause, J_B.
<moment of silence for my last avatar>
hey bunny, we liked the cigarette and the neurotic twitch. we being all of us here in this kitchen right now.
Lash, why did you get rid of the avatar? I liked your old one, I want it back. At least get something, you're naked. Or invisible, I can't decide which.
I wish I hadn't missed the twitchy ears.
Naked or invisible ... cant decide which one would be the best ... <evil grin>