howwwwwwwwwww ruuuuuuuuuuude
I wonder how many other codes there are?
-.-. .... ..- --
-.-. .-. -. -.... -.... -.--
. ...
Oh Tico, you got that one eh? Well, you'd better listen to the man!
I got this one:
So, there you hear it, from the man himself.
Yeah! Where's my money!!!
JESPAH!!! CRAVEN!!!! Where are you?
Funny, I could've sworn I just saw them back out of the driveway.....You think they're headed for the bank first or the airport?
I'm callin' the cops.
My fellow A2Kers,
I come to you tonight with a heavy heart. Many times in these past years I have signed on to A2K, read through a thread and posted a reply that was not only obtusely illogical, filled with convoluted speech and completely unappropriate language, but also was so stunningly off topic as to prevent anyone from making any further posts.
Christ! What a feeling of utter depression would come over me! Such shame! Such ignominy! I carried the mark of Tread-Killer from forum to forum, it did not matter which one. Humor, Science, and the occasional General, I killed them all.
I want you to know that I entered a therapy program last year and through intensive re-programming I have finally thrown off the demons which held me so firmly in their grip. No more untethered references to obscure events in my past, no more ponderous analyses of the political winds, no more pa·thet·i·cal·ly sick attacks on the weaker members of A2K.
(I am so sorry Setanta, Finn, Spendius, Gus, Bear and Dys. I abhor what I said, Eva, Lash, MA, Phoenix, ehbeth, Lola ad infinitum)
I am free.
My therapist does say however that if I am to really know if I am recovered, I must kill one more thread and see how my soul feels about it. See if I get the same kind of orgasmic surge uh.... see if I have any deep seated depressive urges left.
I feel now that this will be the last thread I kill, but I need your help.
It would greatly assist my recovery if all of you would consider letting this be the final post of this thread.
Really. I need this. My sickness must end here.
Joe(all the respect in the world)Nation
That's what happens when it's time to retire.
Get the pun?
No, no, Joe, we cant allow you to just overcome your sickness like that. Everyone who shares it with us is a necessary added comfort in life.
Don't be an enabler. The man clearly needs our intervention.
Jesus, Tico!! you screw me over because of a typo.
I'm hurting here.