dlowan wrote:patiodog wrote:
...someone's talking about dog breath...
...probably some damn wabbit...
...i'll show that wabbit dog breath...
One does not "show" an olfactory sensation.
show Audio Help /ʃoʊ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[shoh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, showed, shown or showed, show·ing, noun
-verb (used with object) 1. to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.
2. to present or perform as a public entertainment or spectacle: to show a movie.
3. to indicate; point out: to show the way.
4. to guide, escort, or usher: He showed me to my room. Show her in.
5. to explain or make clear; make known: He showed what he meant.
6. to make known to; inform, instruct, or prove to: I'll show you what I mean.
7. to prove; demonstrate: His experiment showed the falsity of the theory.
8. to indicate, register, or mark: The thermometer showed 10 below zero.
9. to exhibit or offer for sale: to show a house.
10. to allege, as in a legal document; plead, as a reason or cause.
11. to produce, as facts in an affidavit or at a hearing.
12. to express or make evident by appearance, behavior, speech, etc.: to show one's feelings.
13. to accord or grant (favor, kindness, etc.): He showed mercy in his decision.