I don't think it will ever end!
It won't if you keep posting here.
I refuse to end this thread.
This thread is destined never to end. I have spoken! :wink:
I have too much time on my hands
Idle Hands Are The Devil's Tools
Are you people still here?
We are fig newtons of your imagination.
I just like to read everyones funny posts.
Wait. Is this supposed to be humorous?
I agree with Lash. Let the damn thing go.
[size=7]<no, i changed my mind>
<i want it back>[/size]
Our sanity is disspitating.
We could start our family here.
On this thread.
There's just something about this thread.
<Do you know how to dance, and make a bong?>
If you do NOT see a pink elephant, please go away.
It IS pink.
I think I am ripe with the lovechild of the Capybara farmer.