Okay, it's official. This thread will go on forever. Any thread that has a Rod McKuen song in it and doesn't die immediately becomes immortal.
Joe(It's a rule)Nation
Confession: I spent most of my twenties singing or reciting McKuen to nubile lasses with fair to middling results. Thank you, Ron.
Here's an unpublished one re: Spring
So much of Spring
I never saw so much of Spring
as I see now. The tender willow
turning amber. The nightingale,
the sparrow in the heavens
The moon behind the spider
making web, now blotted out by
geese in trumpet, home again,
home again, home to spring.
The toad has found his roadside.
Butterflies are jumping
from cocoons, ants and crickets
share the bush and every truth of
this sweet season.
The moon is now a pearl, a cloud
its shell, as in the tall bamboo and
reed cicadas sing
in four party harmony.
I think the older seasons envy
spring and well they should. The
roses are not blood-red or purple
in extreme. A subtle pink, a lazy
lavender, no single petal scorched
by sun. All things al dente,
How is it that in all my years I never
saw this much of Spring? To think
I once believed that tenderness
lay underfoot of Autumn.
I am the aging sparrow's twin
suffering from ill attention, as all
souls concentrate on April things.
© Copyright 1998 by Rod McKuen & Stanyan Music Group. All rights
reserved and no part may be reproduced in any form without written
permission of © owners.
Joe Nation wrote:Okay, it's official. This thread will go on forever. Any thread that has a Rod McKuen song in it and doesn't die immediately becomes immortal.
See, Joe? And you said I wasn't trying.
The d..y..s.. is REALLY a poopityhead now!!
Thousands of yeras from now this thread will have spread to planets beyond ours and our names will become famous as the originators of this thread.
"How is it that in all my years I never
saw this much of bunnytime?. . . as all
souls concentrate on bacon things. "
Immortal words, really.
cyphercat wrote:"How is it that in all my years I never
saw this much of bunnytime?. . . as all
souls concentrate on bacon things. "
Immortal words, really.

Might have to be my new sig line... Sheer poetry.
Is there a reason why we should end the sardines?
You Can See Her Window From Here wrote:Is there a reason why we should end the sardines?
To put them out of their misery?
There must be a better sollution. We can get them help for their misery.
Put mustard on them and put them on a cracker.
Wait. They're teepees now.
Well, it'll blend in well with the bonfire.
Why are you all on about teepees? Don't you know it's all about the Morris dancers?
Do i have the power to end a Morris dancer? ^^! HAHA!
You people are all high on something, aren't you ?
LTX's sig line is great...gets better with every change...