'Event' is good, Tommy.
And has anyone noticed that -- in spite of the ubiquitousness and overuse of the term 'no problem' -- nobody actually has 'problems' any more? No, we have 'issues' instead. "That man is very disturbed. Well, he has a lot of issues." Where does he keep them, pray, fanned out on a side-table? In a magazine rack? Issues! Sheesh!
I'd take issue with your comments, because i have a problem with your attitude, but, in the event, i'll just let it go . . . besides, i have to police the shop . . .
Merry - Maybe the issues he has are children! They can cauise problems.
Hello. When I was in high school (lo these many decades ago) I found a poster that said it all:
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I don't think you realize that what you heard was not what I meant.
I also found this lovely bit of gobbledygook:
My saeity admonishes me that I have arrived at a state of deglutiation inconsistant with dietetic enormity. (I may have misspelled some words there - but it's been a LONG time since I saw it in print and - well those are just not words I use every day <grin>)
Translation - I ate too much.
I think I may really enjoy it here!