Well everyone else seems to be giving you a warm welcome, so here is mine too.
Welcome Aa
It worked and thanks.
The other half is the result of not having a clue where there is.
Wain a doggone minute! What is this ... roger and dlowan are editors?!!
Good grief!! From here out it's all gonna be one liners with bits dangling off.
I want my money back!
No money back you have been hatched and grown in stature to newbie.
Positively fine,Better than wine,
Aa is here!
Debacle! I am hurt! I am only editing Australia, you know, so you need have no fear of the quality of the site falling away, or becoming decadent.
Although portionless and unencumbered, I find it labour enough to subdue and cultivate my own few cubic feet of flesh, but a whole ruddy continent!!! You have my sympaticos, Deb. Keeping an eye on margo and Wilso shouldn't be overly taxing, but editing moondoggy?!!! .... sheesh, like cleaning the Augean stables with a feather duster, nemmine all them other 11 Herculaenian pillars.
Your all very cunning linguists
And make a dem fine linguini, too, in my case!
Dem fine means not too smeggin' course, I confide.
No, no, Margo - I edit the VISITORS - you are a resident!
In February 1843, General Sir Charles Napier, captured the Indian town of Sind. He sent a telegram to the British War Office as follows: "peccavi".
Welcome Aa (or as they sayin Canajun: EHeh)
I like "Event" to soft-pedal a catastrophe. "A nuclear event" = an accident up to and including an explosion.
"A vascular event" = a stroke
And in California, where the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant was built unfortunately close to the San Simeon-Hosgri Fault, power company officials resorted to soothing references to "the excitations produced by the large potential Hosgri Event". (Eh?)
Oh and two local Optometrists advertise as follows:
Optometrist Number 1: "Family Optometrist" (I wonder what kind of Optometrist would be a non-family optometrist?)
Optometrist Number 2: "Family Optometrist - Eye Tests available"!
Police Action. (In Vietnam)
Wasn't Korea one of those too?
Yes, and what's truly appalling is that in the military, the verb to police means to clean up, to tidy up . . .
kinda scary, ain't it . . .