Experts Claim Official 9-11 Story is a Hoax ! FINALLY!

Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 01:06 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
You already look like you're in a monk's habit in your Avatar.

That's a navy(-style) sweater!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 01:07 pm
Well I didn't think it WAS a monk's habit. But in a small avatar it could pass for one.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 01:59 pm
Ooohh crap. I'll never hear the end of this.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 02:02 pm
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
You already look like you're in a monk's habit in your Avatar.

That's a navy(-style) sweater!!!!
No what the monks wear at sea (very practical)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 02:07 pm
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 02:13 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:

That's a navy(-style) sweater!!!!
No what the monks wear at sea (very practical)[/quote]


According to Conrad Gesner, a monk-fish was caught off Norway in a troubled sea, and one was found in the Firth of Fourth.

In Stow's Annales, he describes the capture of one such creature:

"A.D. 1187. Neere unto Orforde in Suffolke, certaine Fishers of the sea tooke in their nettes a Fish having the shape of a man in all pointes, which Fish was kept by Barlemew de Glanville, Custos of the castle of Orforde, in the same castle, by the space of six monthes, and more, for a wonder: He spake not a word. All manner of meates he gladly did eate, but more greedilie raw fishe, after he had crushed out all the moisture. Oftentimes he was brought to the Church where he showed no tokens of adoration. At length, when he was not well looked to, he stale away to the sea and never after appeared."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 02:17 pm
All right, Give it to me all at once. Lets get this over with.

Archbishop of his own church????????F**K!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 02:43 pm
C-Span to Cover 9/11 Truth Talk at UW-Madison Monday!
Kevin Barrett, 12.04.2005 22:14

C-Span will challenge the official version of the 9/11 "terrorist attacks" with a nationwide delayed broadcast of a talk by David Ray Griffin at U.W.-Madison Monday 4/18/05, 7:30 p.m., in 272 Bascom Hall. The public is invited to attend, and admission is free.

Griffin's The New Pearl Harbor sparked the 9/11 Truth Movement

The nationwide news network C-span has broken the blackout on the 9/11 truth movement, raising hopes that other media outlets will follow, by deciding to broadcast a lecture by David Ray Griffin in Madison Monday night. An acclaimed philosopher-theologian and author of the 9/11 truth blockbusters The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Dr. Griffin will be making a rare public appearance at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Monday night, April 18th. at 7:30 p.m. in 272 Bascom Hall. His brand-new talk, entitled "9/11 and the American Empire: How Should Religious People Respond?" will focus on the ethical and spiritual dimension of facing the overwhelming evidence that the Bush Administration was complicit in the attacks of September 11th, 2001. His Madison appearance celebrates the founding of the new group MUJCA-NET: Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth: http://mujca.com.

Two related events will precede the Griffin talk: A discussion of David Griffin's 9/11 books will be held on Sunday, April 17th, 2-4 p.m.at Peregrine Forum, 616 S. Brearly St., Madison, WI (608) 442-4399; and a benefit dinner for the Griffin talk and MUJCA-NET will be held at Catacombs Coffee House, directly across from Memorial Library on the U.W.-Madison campus from 5 to 7 p.m. on Monday 4/18, right before the talk. Ten bucks buys all-you-can-eat cous-cous, falafel and baklava; David Griffin says he will be there, offering attendees the chance to shake the hand of the man political analyst Kevin Phillips says will take down the Bush Administration in flames.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:25 pm
(A) C-Span is not "challenging" anything.
(B) C-Span is not a "nationwide news network."
(C) C-Span frequently televises speeches given by authors concerning their books. C-Span already had Griffin on BookTV a year ago talking about his book, "The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 04:00 pm
One would wonder how an obscure professor of theology affiliated with some pretty leftwing anti-Bush, anti-GOP organizations (one of which published his book) and recently retired from an even more obscure school of theology with a rather ecletic (translate:weird) curriculum, obtained the expertise to evaluate the collapse of buildings on 9/11.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 07:23 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
One would wonder how an obscure professor of theology affiliated with some pretty leftwing anti-Bush, anti-GOP organizations (one of which published his book) and recently retired from an even more obscure school of theology with a rather ecletic (translate:weird) curriculum, obtained the expertise to evaluate the collapse of buildings on 9/11.
Whose the conspiracy nut here? You or me?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 09:31 pm
Amigo wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
One would wonder how an obscure professor of theology affiliated with some pretty leftwing anti-Bush, anti-GOP organizations (one of which published his book) and recently retired from an even more obscure school of theology with a rather ecletic (translate:weird) curriculum, obtained the expertise to evaluate the collapse of buildings on 9/11.
Whose the conspiracy nut here? You or me?

Well, maybe you consult a professor of theology on architectural integrity, chemistry of metals, and analysis of eye witness accounts. I rather prefer to go with the opinion of people trained to analyze things like that..
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 02:33 pm
"Without the complicity of the mainstream media, the 9/11 cover-up could not exist. Those who control the mainstream media control the brainstem of our collective consciousness. When those charged with being the skeptical inquirers are neither skeptical nor do they inquire, the only phrase for it is deep complicity. When investigative journalists fail to investigate the obvious, it is deep complicity. When investigative journalists only investigate that which distracts the public from the obvious, it is even deeper complicity."
-- Barrie Zwicker


"The process has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt. ... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies -- all this is indispensably necessary."
- George Orwell, on "Doublethink" from his book of faction, "1984"
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Apr, 2006 10:57 am

Hunter S. Thompson warned he'd be suicided
6 comment(s).
Toronto Globe and Mail | February 26, 2005:

Paul William Roberts in his Globe and Mail article of Saturday, February 26, 2005 wrote the following:

Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He sounded scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said, particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted you to understand, you did. He'd been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations. Now he thought someone was out to stop him publishing it:
"They're gonna make it look like suicide," he said. "I know how these bastards think . . ."

Hunter S. Thompson ... was indeed working on such a story.

Now check out this February 25 Associated Press story about Thompson's death. Sounds a lot like a professional hit with a silencer:

"I was on the phone with him, he set the receiver down and he did it. I heard the clicking of the gun," Anita Thompson told the Aspen Daily News in Friday's editions.

She said her husband had asked her to come home from a health club so they could work on his weekly ESPN column...

Thompson said she heard a loud, muffled noise, but didn't know what had happened. "I was waiting for him to get back on the phone," she said.
(Her account to Rocky Mountain News reporter Jeff Kass is slightly different: "I did not hear any bang," she told Kass. She added that Thompson's son, who was in the house at the time, believed that a book had fallen when he heard the shot, according to Kass' report.)

Mack White sums up the questions
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Apr, 2006 10:29 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Apr, 2006 05:00 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 04:17 pm
We have found Morgan Reynolds among the most compelling witnesses, whistleblowers, against the Bush Mafia and its "worst persons in the world" crimes against humanity, specifically his charge that 9.11 was their inside job. For those of you not familiar with Reynolds, or his work ~both for and against the Bush "Family"~ let it be known that he has served at a very high level of this Bush administration. Reynolds, as the top economist at HUD for this current illegal Regime, has charged the Bush pResidency with high crimes, and accused Bush and others of "masterminding" the 9.11 attacks as a pretext to drive us into an illegal war. Read on, to know what an insider ~and other high-level insiders and/or scholars~ say about Bush crimes of 9.11..........John Ervin


Kevin Barrett: Media hide truth: 9/11 was inside job

By Kevin Barrett

May 12, 2006

Last Saturday, former Bush administration official Morgan Reynolds drew an enthusiastic capacity crowd to the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium. It is probably the first time in Historical Society history that a political talk has drawn a full house on a Saturday afternoon at the beginning of final exams.

Reynolds, the former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis, and the ex-top economist for George W. Bush's Labor Department, charged the Bush administration with gross malfeasance, and proposed the prosecution of top administration officials.

Normally, if a prestigious UW alumnus and ex-Bush administration official were to come to the Wisconsin Historical Society to spill the beans about a Bush administration scandal, it would make the news. The local TV stations would cover it, and it would merit front page headlines in The Capital Times and Wisconsin State Journal.

Reynolds' indictment of the administration he worked for was a stunning, life-changing event for many of those who witnessed it. As the event's organizer, I have received dozens of e-mails about it from people who were deeply affected.

Despite the prestigious speaker and venue, and the gravity of the charges aired, for most Americans ~ indeed most Madisonians ~ the event never happened.

Why? Because it was censored, subjected to a total media blackout. Not a word in the State Journal. Not a word in The Capital Times. Not a word on the local TV news. Not a word on local radio news. And, of course, not a word in the national media.
Why the blackout? Because Reynolds violated the ultimate U.S. media taboo. He charges the Bush administration with orchestrating the 9/11 attacks as a pretext for launching a preplanned "long war" in the Middle East, rolling back our civil liberties, and massively increasing military spending.

When a former Bush administration insider makes such charges, how can the media ignore them? Is Reynolds a lone crank? Hardly. A long list of prominent Americans have spoken out for 9/11 truth: Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Sen. Barbara Boxer, former head of the Star Wars program Col. Robert Bowman, ex-Reagan administration economics guru Paul Craig Roberts, progressive Jewish author-activist Rabbi Michael Lerner, former CIA official Ray McGovern, author-essayist Gore Vidal, and many other respected names from across the political spectrum have gone on the record for 9/11 truth.

Are the media ignoring all these people, and dozens more like them, because there is no evidence to support their charges? Hardly. Overwhelming evidence, from the obvious air defense stand-down, to the nonprotection of the president in Florida, to the blatant controlled demolition of World Trade Center building 7, proves that 9/11 was an inside job. As noted philosopher-theologian and 9/11 revisionist historian David Griffin writes: "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government."

A growing list of scientists has lined up behind BYU physicist Steven Jones and MIT engineer Jeff King in support of Griffin's position, as evidenced by the growth of Scholars for 9/11 Truth (st911.org) and Scientific Professionals Investigating 9/11 (physics911.net).

As a Watergate-era graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of Journalism, I was taught that exposing government lies and corruption is the supreme duty of the Fourth Estate. I simply cannot fathom the current situation. I do not understand the 9/11 truth blackout. I wish someone would explain it to me.

It is time to break the 9/11 truth blackout. Please put pressure on your local media through letters to the editor, call-ins to talk radio, and phone calls to local and national journalists.

And come see Peter Phillips, director of the media watchdog group Project Censored, who will lead a strategy session on breaking the blackout at the upcoming international 9/11 truth conference in Chicago: 9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future, to be held June 2-4 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont. Go to http://911revealingthetruth.org for more information.

The event will feature presentations from dozens of 9/11 truth luminaries, from scientists like Steven Jones to intelligence agency whistle-blowers like David Shayler, and promises to be a historic, watershed event. Be there, or resign yourself to a future of endless war, lost liberty, and a craven media that cannot bring itself to breathe a single word of truth.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 04:23 pm
Has anyone seen an film of the aircraft that supposedly hit the Pentagon & which was supposed to be released today?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 May, 2006 04:32 pm
Magginkat wrote:
Has anyone seen an film of the aircraft that supposedly hit the Pentagon & which was supposed to be released today?

Yes,I have seen it.
I will post the link...


Click on "attack footage" under the picture

The Department of Justice is supposedly releasing video today of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon at the urging of Judicial Watch.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Jun, 2006 03:12 pm
9/11 and the Neo-Con agenda

Education and Research conference

Los Angeles June 24-25

0 Replies

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