mirage I don't like the second one on seventh page...
you can clearly see that it's a carpet...
first is great....
and this one on this page is beautifull...
keep on with this bro..
It used to be that, in the minds of many at least, painting should look like photography (i.e., realism). I believe it is truer to say that artistic photography should look like good painting.
I sometimes take photos of natural "abstract" phenomena, like smudges on walls, cracks in sidewalks and shadows of trees and walls, to file away for future inspiration, but my photos (actually: shapshots) never have the artistic quality of those in this thread.
Phoenix your first photo has some of the quality of Willem deKooning's famous "Excavation" and the second of some of the works of Clifford Still. Check them out.
kosmos-SErbia wrote:mirage I don't like the second one on seventh page...
you can clearly see that it's a carpet...
Well, actually it's not.
@JLNobody - Let's see those photos!? I'm very curios about abstract photos form one painter, really!
Mirage, I wish I knew how to send photos. I am bona fide mechanical moron, still adjusting to the ball point pen. Moreoever, I hate learning how to do such things. But one day....
By the way, what's that plant. It looks delicious.
JLNobody wrote:By the way, what's that plant. It looks delicious.
It's usual leaves, but covered with frost. If you were asking about the last photo I posted.
Yes, Mirage. That was it.
Phoenix, how about a delicious fruit pastry--peach or apricot with a smidgen of raspberry jelly?
Phoenix32890 wrote:Mirage- The link did not work. I think that you have one too many "http"!
Yes, and the URL should end with 'jpeg', or 'gif', etc.
Kris, I really like this one!
Reyn - thanks. I took a whole series of those mushrooms. I played abit with the color on a few to try and pop the blue and green contours.
well done, LK. They look like shells to me.
It's the ambiguity in many of these abstract works that appeals to me. To me "reality" is seen directly just before we put meaning to them, one of the appeals of abstract art for me. The interesting shapes, relationships, and color values stand for themselve, as do the sounds of pure music.
i'VE BEEN PLAYING WITH A WAVY-GLASS DOOR AT MY SISTER'S HOUSE. i CAN SWING THE DOOR SO THE LIGHT FROM THE (Oops, sorry about the caps) window shines through or against the door, illuminates the other side. I make my neice and nephew (so obliging they are) stand on the other side of the glass for texture and color. It's been fun, this quest for abstracts.