Mother Nature can be such a freaky thing. Look at the mouse-cat story, for example.
OH yeah..... is that story true?
I think so. Just one of those freaky things, I think.
k, I may have missed this--is that lake shot Walden Pond? It looks like the view from my favorite swimming place, just by the ben into the little inlet downslope from Thoreau's cabin--but much earlier and eerier than when I normally get there.
And that fungus shot is great. Are those actual colors or has it been tweaked--had no idea they were anything more than greeny-gray-brownish--I'll have to look more closely. Good on you, that you get us to look more closely.
littlek wrote:and a few of these, too.

This does look like Walden Pond now that I look at it again.
I think it's one of the Mystic Lakes that littlek passes on her way to work. But it could pass for WP easily.
I'm guessing Spot Pond from Straw Point.
I'm guessing 'tis from Route 16 or whatever that road continues as.
Username - some mighty fine compliments, thanks! I'll check back and see if that was the tweaked fungi or the au naturelle fungi. The fungi in real life had blues and greens as well as pales earth tones. Do look more closely, you'll be surprised!
That pond is actually part of the river (mistic?) formed by damming. It'd where the Medford Boat Club is.
Just saw this thread, those are some great pics littlek.
I guess I didn't know that Thoreau's cabin still existed. Has anyone here seen it? If it does still exist, I am definitely going to have to stop in there and have a look.
And, as long as we're talking about Thoreau, (and hoping littlek doesn't mind this slight intrusion) did any of you ever read how Hawthorne described him?
Quite funny, actually....
(Henry David Thoreau) is a singular character -- a young man with much of wild original nature still remaining in him; and so far as he is sophisticated, it is in a way and method of his own. He is as ugly as sin, long-nosed, queer-mouthed, and with uncouth and somewhat rustic, although courteous manners, corresponding very well with such an exterior. But his ugliness is of an honest and agreeable fashion, and becomes him much better than beauty.
Me ! Me! I've seen it! I've been inside, even!
well, it's a little wooden cabin. ummm. there's his stuff, like spectacles and such. i didn't know who Thoreau was when I was in there. I was a fresh off-the-boat furriner back then.
What were you doing there? Did you just stumble across a cabin and go, "Hey, I think I'll check this out."
Sublime, thanks!
Well, Dag has been there, but I seem to recall seeing just a foundation and a marker. Is it possible that the house is a reconstruction.....? Curious. Well, it's been 10-20 years since I've been there.
Gus, I'll take you there myself if you come by this way.
That would be quite thrilling.