Brushfire civil war: Israel, the new enemy of the True Jew
By Bradley Burston
The time has come to choose your side. The civil war has begun.
On one side of this War Between the States are the Children of Light. The pure, the young and untainted, the real Jews, who care nothing for themselves, only for the Land of Israel. Passionate, tireless, leaderless.
They are the New Genuine Jews. And they have a new enemy: The state of Israel.
Increasingly, the language of hardline settlers has taken on a note of estrangement, even divorce from institutions of the state, the police, the Supreme Court, the army, the prime minister. "This is an army of Israelis who hate the Jews," a Hebron resident said last week.
By no means are they representative of settlers as a whole, or of pro-settler Israelis, nor youth as a whole, nor even settler youth. Their mindset and methods often harm the settlers' cause, and the settlers know it. They are small in number. Theirs is a brushfire civil war. But brushfires can take directions and forms which no one can control.
You know the children's crusade in its many forms, the Vegan Hippie Carlebachites, the hardcore Confederacy of Kahane, the separatist State of Judea loyalists, the settlement-born Orange Diaper Babies of the Hilltop Youth.
You know them by the way they relate to the rest of us. The quiet, knowing disdain that says that they know more than we, they care more than we, they suffer more, contribute more, matter more.
They are saintly where we are profane, godly where we are lost. And, to the extent that we serve in this army or support this government, we are something else as well. The enemy.
"This is a war," said Asaf Baruchi of Beit El settlement, standing bandaged and in a sling in from of Hadassah hospital in Jerusalem, the left half of his face striped in the blood of his own scalp. "It's a war between cultures. The left is trying to lliquidate religious Zionism, the only alternative."
Baruchi was beaten in the violent collisions between pro-settler demonstrators and the troops and police that came to oust them from Amona, a West Bank outpost not far from Baruchi's home. As many as 100 were injured on each side. A 15-year-old was critically injured by a police nightstick, and a policeman was critically injured by a thrown rock.
"The army's not yours, it's ours," Baruchi told Channel 10 talk show host Rafi Reshef, in response to a question about the actions of IDF troops in Amona. "You stole it, but we're going to take it back."