The Decider
GW Bush said that he's "the decider". Mmmm....
>> "I'm the decider" It sounds like
>> something a character in a Dr. Seuss book might say.
>> So with apologies to the late Mr. Geisel, here is
>> some idle speculation as to what else such a
>> character might say:
>> I'm the decider.
>> I pick and I choose.
>> I pick among whats.
>> And choose among whos.
>> And as I decide
>> Each particular day
>> The things I decide on
>> All turn out that way.
>> I decided on Freedom
>> For all of Iraq.
>> And now that we have it,
>> I'm not looking back.
>> I decided on tax cuts
>> That just help the wealthy.
>> And Medicare changes
>> That aren't really healthy.
>> And parklands and wetlands
>> Who needs all that stuff?
>> I decided that none
>> Would be more than enough!
>> I decided that schools
>> All in all are the best
>> The less that they teach
>> And the more that they test.
>> I decided those wages
>> You need to get by
>> Are much better spent
>> On some CEO guy.
>> I decided your Wade
>> Which was versing your Roe
>> Is terribly awful
>> And just has to go.
>> I decided that levees
>> Are not really needed.
>> Now when hurricanes come
>> They can come unimpeded.
>> That old Constitution?
>> Well, I have decided
>> As"just goddam paper"
>> It should be derided.
>> I've decided gay marriage
>> Is icky and weird.
>> Above all other things,
>> It's the one to be feared.
>> And Cheney and Rummy
>> And Condi all know
>> That I'm the Decider -
>> They tell me it's so.
>> I'm the Decider
>> So watch what you say
>> Or I may decide
>> To have you whisked away.
>> Or I'll tap your phones.
>> Your e-mail I'll read.
>> `cause I'm the Decider -
>> Like Jesus decreed.
>> Yes, I'm the Decider
>> The finest alive
>> And I'm nuking Iran.
>> Now watch this drive!