Since you won't read the article posted you'll have to get it piecemeal, Finn:
'In the first place, just the talk has kicked up the price of oil. In the second place, there is no proof that Iran really wants to develop nuclear weapons. So far, what the Iranians have done and propose to do are legal. They have a reasonable explanation for why they want to develop nuclear power. Oil is their biggest and most valuable export. The less they use for domestic purposes, the more they will have to export.
On the other hand, they are surrounded by nuclear powers - Israel, Russia, Pakistan, India and the U.S. (through its heavy presence in the Persian Gulf and Iraq). So maybe they do want to develop a nuclear bomb. Personally, I don't care if they do. Having lived most of my life with 30,000 nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them in the Soviet Union, I'm not going to worry about the Iranians having six or seven. '
Personally, if I were Iranian, I'd probably want some form of protection from Israel, Russia, Pakistan, India and the US.
Wouldn't you? They aren't doing anything illegal and they have proven that.
Bush has made sure that there will be perpetual war. Good for the defense business, isn't it? By Bush's definition, I guess Canada is 'funding terrorists' as well, according to Ms. Rice. The US 'funded' the Taliban in the 1980's, doesn't that make them terrorists?
You say, "Iran has a president that advocates the utter destruction of another nation". Well, how about that! And what the he!! do you think Bush did in Iraq and now wants to do in Iran?
It doesn't make sense that any nation should have WMD's, but America seems to think it's the only country that should be allowed. Oh, them and Israel, of course. Who aren't terrorists at all. Right.
I didn't write the article, so cannot say for sure why Mr. Reese said 'they've been around a lot longer than we have'. Other than the fact that 4,000 years of government compared to the US' measly 400 years ought to count for something.
America is arrogant and ignorant of any culture other than their own, which isn't a culture by any stretch of the imagination unless you count pop culture.
The whole issue is about who controls the oil. You know it and I know it, so let's just cut the baloney. America could give a sh** less about Iran's 5 or 6 nuclear warheads - but they do care very much about Iran and the petro vs the euro dollar. If it goes euro America loses Big Time. Can't have that. Must make up another war.
I hear they need democracy in America - I mean, Iran........
so, I guess they are next on America's hit list.