Momma Angel wrote:
But, I did do some research on this and this is what the Bible says (which I imagine you already know.

and possibly were going to enlighten me?

) and it seems I was wrong.
It does bother me somewhat that those who claim to "know God" oftentimes don't "know" God at all. You've described yourself as someone who has 'experienced God' but before you advocate that the Word of your God of the bible becomes the law of the land, as you've done in the past, you really should make sure you have a clear and thorough understanding of just what you are advocating.
Let me take the story forward a few hundred years. After Jesus' death there were various factions debating who/what he was and how to interpret his message. Over the course of a few hundred years those who advocated the tenets of what ultimately became the Catholic Church won the battle and the Word was restated in the bible and accepted as canon.
A couple hundred years later, God, who had been watching with dismay, sent a messenger to Muhammad and said something to the effect that those crazy Christians have screwed it up. I gave the Word to Moses and the Gospel to Jesus, but they couldn't leave well enough alone and turned him into my equal. Like I told Moses, there is only one God, and I am He. So get it right this time, and bring my message to the masses.
Momma, Muhammad experienced the same God you did. He went around spreading the Word and found a bunch of folks to believe him. To me it's all a fascinating story, but I don't want the Word of Muhammad's God to be the law of the land (can you say, Taliban?) any more than I want the Word of your God to be the law of the land.
You can experience your God all you want, but your experience is personal. It only becomes an issue when you try to impose it on others as factual.