Quote:Charlotte is colorblind. She has never one time experienced the color of anything. Sandy is blind. She has been blind since birth. She has never experienced sight. David is deaf. He was born deaf. He has never experienced sound.
To these three respectively, color, sight, and sound do not exist. Sure, they can be told by others that these things do exist. But, how do you get them to experience these things? How do you make Charlotte see red? How do you make Sandy see? How do you make David hear?
Your scientific explanations are useless. Telling these three that these things do exist will do nothing. Can you do it? Can you explain any or all of these things?
I submit that to those that do believe God exists because they have personally experienced it, this is basically the same. They cannot make you see or experience God.
Now, prove red, sight, or sound to these three. Can you do it? Can you make me see red
Your first problem is in defining existence. What is existence? Well, you could use the following definitions:
A exists in relation to B if A and B are in the same universe.
A and A are in the same universe.
If A and B are in the same universe, and B and C are in the same universe, then A and C are in the same universe.
If A and B have a casual relation, then A and B are in the same universe.
If A affects B, then A and B have a casual relation.
The problem is that by this definition the colors do exist. They affect other people, and other people in turn affect the colorblind person. They since "in the same universe" is a transitive relation, the color is in the same universe as the colorblind person, and thus the color exists.
Using these definitions, I have proved that your statement is false.
This post is not enough justification for saying that people should not say that other people's beliefs are possibly false. While things may exist while one has not directly experienced something, that does not mean that everything that is not directly experienced is true, and that just because people say so that something is suddenly made to be true.
One testimony of one witness is unreliable. There are numerous reasons why people may believe that one has experienced God. Just because a person believes something, it does not make it true.