married_nj wrote: Sorry, been away a while. Noddy...Her specific reasons...
-I have not followed through on what she wanted to do to the house. Get this for the house, do that, remodel this. Not that I did not let her, we discussed it and we never followed through.
You've had ample time to make a pretty serious dent in that since you last posted. Did you? Or do anything else that clearly demonstrated you're a changed man, other than announce good intentions? (Not sure I still think you should; just looking for clarification.)
married_nj wrote: -She let me do things that I wanted to do that she did not or she went along with something that she did not want to do, but she did not say no even if she did not want to. Did that make sense?
What is it exactly that you're trying not to say? You are anonymous here, you know.
married_nj wrote: -She says sex is lousy. I ehmmmmm to early. This seems like a physical problem which I need to work on. I think she can help with a physical problem just like if I broke an arm or something. Yes/no? I bought supposedly a good book about this which I am reading learning about my body.
It's impossible to waste time learning about yourself. This isn't something she should have to help you with, like a broken arm, no. This is your time to be masculine, not needy. It's also something you need to fix, whether you save your marriage or not. Sexually satisfied women seldom stray... but...
I won't pretend to be some kind of therapist, but as a kid I'd fire the first bullet before leaving the house to make sure that wouldn't happen. Perhaps you're a little under-sexed, but that's nothing you can't take care of yourself, either. Suffice to say; learning how to please your partner in the bedroom is paramount, so don't stop trying till you figure it out.
married_nj wrote: -She likes to be pursued.
Don't we all? I doubt there's a man or woman alive that doesn't like to
feel sexy. My guess is; it's still 10 times as important to a woman though. You have to make an effort to notice the little things (Hair highlights, new shoes, etc.). Practice paying attention on any woman; and watch her face light up when you notice something she did to
feel sexier.
married_nj wrote:I offer to try and correct all of these things like I was giving into her every need to keep her and our relationship alive. Like I was wimping out. Is this wimping out?
At this juncture? Probably. F your pride, that isn't what I mean. I mean there's nothing sexy about a wimp. Take a look around at all the A-holes with fine women on their arms. It defies logic, but consider who we're talking about here. :wink: Walking the walk you talk is important, but so is being a man. You were a man when she met you, not some cowering creature afraid of being left alone. Find that man and then improve on him.
It does sound like you need to start worrying more about you than losing her. Take steps to improve yourself, for your own sake, and see if
she notices. Splitting up may already be a fore drawn conclusion for her. Come to terms with that and find yourself. Until you find peace and happiness from within, it's unlikely you'll find it with her... or anybody else for that matter.
Whether it's your wife or anyone else; the best way to attract someone is to be attractive. Do what you can to make the most of your appearance. Focus on a time when you were terribly happy, until you feel that way again; then show it. Put the past behind you and make sure you can be proud of your present and future. Set time aside specifically for worrying, and leave the worrying in a drawer when the time's not appropriate. Never forget you were born with 2 ears and only one mouth for a reason. When listening; listen. Ask pertinent questions to fully understand what you're listening to. Point out a pretty feature, rather than state a woman's pretty. There's probably books on this kind of thing that make my babbling look childish, so you might want to check one out. In my opinion; the path to attracting a better partner is through developing a better you.
Good Luck Married_nj. You sound like someone who deserves some. (Even luck favors the prepared mind... trust me... I play a lot of poker :wink: )