McGentrix wrote:Hmmmm....Ford makes a product people don't want, they lose sales, they have less money to work with and therefore restructure... and it's Bush's fault?
Somebody shoot me quick! I have to agree wiyh McG.
OOOOpppps, sorry, only to a degree! If Georgie had not decided to hold back on mileage targets for the auto manufacturers, they may have started gearing towards a more economical vehicle. If the auto manufacturers weren't able to skirt mileage requirements by making "trucks" (ie SUVs), they would have been better prepared for this "energy crises". The profits however, were just too easy, too fast, and didn't require massive retooling of our plants to make them. So, in the end, the real answer is Auto Manufaturer greed and Bush Administration willingness to let them be so! Bush has been performing fellatio on both the auto and energy industries ever since he took office. Now we're going to pay for it!
Now it's (according to the right wing intelligensia), it's all because employees want to make a decent living. Shame on those communist bastards!!