On-line dating is fun. I am a fairly worldly person so I take on line dating in stride. It is not for every one though.
If for example, regardless of your age, you watch, enjoy and believe day time soap operas are the norm for middle-class American life styles then you will not enjoy on-line dating. Nor will it work for you even if you have the notion that most people that date on-line are simply every day people that are great exceptions to the rule of socializing, meeting people "the old fashioned way", the "traditional way" whatever they may have been.
No, I view on line daters as having similarities only in the sense that I would if I was profiling them as a policeman; putting them in groups, painting them actually with a very broad brush. No the dissimilarities of people "on-line" are as various as the number of hairs on your head (if you have any.)
It is a safe assumption that everyone that even considers on-line dating, even whether they do it or not are in search of something they don't have; sex, companionship, security, fun or simply the thrill of meeting some one new. The latter is my motivator. I enjoy meeting many different women. If they be a bit kinky, have personality disorders so much the better providing they are at least average looking and clean.
The key to an enjoyable "date" is crafting your desires, the words in your "resume" so as to entice the RIGHT woman. Every guy, every normal guy has very feral feelings in his bowels, guts, belly, heart and brain. Unless it happens to be a pig, an animal that you are seeking on-line presenting those terms "in the clear" will not provide good results.
Crafting your ad comes ONLY by doing it. You will eventually find yourself and what works best for you. I can tell you right now it will be a learning experience because you will be surprised to discover what messages appeal to women in general and which ones do not. Machismo does not carry the power you may think where the printed word is concerned in the eyes of women.
I know people or have heard of ones that claim they had bad experiences with on-line dating. I have had only one out of many. The woman decided that because I had majored in business I could not be creative enough. Other than that all of my experiences have been at least par with several involving a good deal of intimacy.
I treat all the women I date with respect, I never force myself upon them and I talk at whatever level they happen to be at. I strive for university women but in the end it makes no difference a woman with simply a high school education gets as much of my attention as one with an MBA. :wink: