Terry wrote:Hephzibah, if the message was so important, why do you suppose that Jesus failed to write it down himself? Even his disciples couldn't agree on the details, once he was gone.
Why allow Paul (who never actually met Jesus) to change the original message to make it appealing to Gentiles?
Why rely on oral transmittal for decades, then have a lot of people who got the testimony second or third hand each write their own versions, then have other people edit/revise the stories, then spend centuries on political fighting to decide which of the many manuscripts floating aorund should be included in the Canon and which were "pious frauds" that did not reflect the desired theology?
Ok Terry let's see here...
I've been through this scenario before but... I'll put it out there again. It can't be denied that if three people witness a car wreck when the police come to take a report they will receive three similar stories, however every detail will not match exactly. Why? Three different people saw it from three different perspectives.
Quote:Why allow Paul (who never actually met Jesus) to change the original message to make it appealing to Gentiles?
I'm going to reply to your question with a question for you...
Where did Paul change the original message to make it appealing to the Gentiles? I would like to see actual proof here please.
As far as your last question... I will ask again for proof of this.
Oh yeah... I have one more question for everyone reading this and thinking of responding...
What is it that makes
your sources of information more credible than the sources that wrote the bible?