Steanta wrote-
Quote:Your reference to large numbers of people is consonant with Spendi's ludicrous proposition that society could not exist without an imaginary friend superstition and a preistly hierarchy.
I never said,or even hinted,any such thing.
Society can exist wherever and whenever humans are organised in groups.They can also exist,to go to the other extreme in salons grouped around seats of power or even similar interests.
If Setanta meant our society in just the way it has come about I would not only agree that priestcraft and ideas of God were a necessity-I would stress it.
But I mean OUR priestcraft and OUR God.
To talk about Abrahamic superstitions leading from Judaism to Islam in reference to such a statement demonstrates not only an incomprehension of my general argument but an incomprehension of the Faustian culture itself.
The "need" to search for causes and reach for the impossible final cause is the very essence of Faustian world feeling and is a feature of no other culture.It is not a choice.It is in our racing blood.And it is a religious feeling and would not exist,as neither would we,without its religious foundations.
The fragmented,fundamentalists (so called-they don't know what fundamentalism is) are another matter entirely and to me at least represent a specifically American urge to dig up the foundations.Which was presumably a Puritan soul urge and is to be seen in the two major ball games
of America compared to the English and in comparisons between respective manners and etiquette.