Exactly Why Don't You Believe In the God of the Bible?

Arella Mae
Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 10:26 pm
Jason Wrote:

Why Did God "hardened" the pharaoh's heart? Was this necessary? Why not leave it the way it is, without controlling the pharaoh's will against letting "Moses's] people go"?

Obviously God thought it was necessary. Do you really think Pharoah was going to just let those people walk out of Egypt with Moses asking nicely? How many times did Pharoah say ok, they can go and then change his mind? God knew what it was going to take to get Pharoah to let the people go. He did not control the Pharoah's will, Jason. The things that God did (plagues, etc.) are what hardened Pharoah's heart. God didn't say, "Ok, you now have a heart of stone." It was the things God did in retaliation to Pharoah's disobedience that caused the Pharoah to harden his heart.

Jason Wrote:

But why does He want us to think for ourselves? Being zombies are capable to love as well, given God's touch that is. Yeah, what good is love if it is forced? Tell me that. You can make people love you (if you are God of course) anything can happen. You either love him or don't? God loves us all, and if we don't believe in Him, we will burn in Hell for all eternity. Love? What is love to you, MA, to God?

Jason, you would honestly want to be a zombie? Zombies have no feelings. Zombies don't think. Zombies are well, zombies. How many people are angry right now because God did not make them the way they think God should have made them? Obviously, quite a few, judging from what I read in some of these threads. Right now, you are arguing about why did God want us to think for ourselves and what are you doing? You are thinking for yourself. You are using reason, logic, curiosity, etc. Isn't this what you want? Or is it just that you require that undisputable proof that God is God? Isn't this just really you wanting it the way you want it? I am not trying to be offensive or a smart aleck or anything Jason. I am being honest.

What is love to me? Caring, compassion, not wanting others to hurt, being there for each other, probably the same things as you, Jason. To God? Caring, compassion, not wanting others to hurt, being there for us, the same thing as it is to me, only much deeper. He wants us to do what is right and good because it is right and good for us.

It constantly amazes me at how so many will point out the things that God has done they think so atrocious. They think God a monster because He would wipe out nations because of their wickedness. Jason, do you know what a lot of those people were doing? They were taking their own children and throwing them in fires as sacrifices to Molech (sp). The priests would bang on things and shout so to cover up the screams of the children. Jason, what would you do to people that would do this to their own children? Did those parents love their children?

Jason Wrote:

"What good would love be if you had to make someone love you"? I think that it would be the ideal thing if love is what you're looking for. "God wants us to love Him because we want to love Him." Don't you think you are over generalizing a little, MA? Some of us don't believe in God.

Over generalizing? I don't think so. If I had to force someone to love me I would never be sure they really loved me. If someone loved me for my money, do they love me? God wants us to love Him freely and because it is what we want to do. Sure, He could wiggle His nose and make every single human being just fall down on their knees before Him and worship Him. In a heartbeat He could. But, He won't. He gave us a free will. He loved us enough to not force us

Jason Wrote:

Does this make any sense to you, MA? What difference does it make if God created Adam and Eve if they don't know what is right and what is wrong? How can anybody, let alone Adam and Eve to trust just God? Were they taught what was right and what was wrong? How can you be so sure? I have to be taught what is right and what is wrong in order to distinguish the difference between the two.
He told them what was right and wrong. He said don't and they did.

How can that possibly be a lesson in Righteousness, MA?

Jason when your parents told you to do something or not to do something, didn't you know either you were supposed to do it or not supposed to do it? Eve even told the serpent that God told them not to eat the fruit. She told the serpent she wasn't supposed to eat the fruit. She knew. She perfectly well knew she was not supposed to do it, but she did it anyway.

Jason Wrote:

But your mother knew that you didn't know what was right and what was wrong, that you were innocent. She didn't punish you a whole eternity in suffering and pain for just one disobedience. She forgave you, was patient with you. She loved you. You learned later in life that your mother imposed those rules because she loved you, gave you a reason for the punishment. [Now], can you tell me why was it considered wrong for Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree, MA? Be at least a little bit reasonable.

Reasonable? I'm not sure if you will consider it reasonable but I can just tell you what I think. He is God. I am not. He is perfect. I am not. The slightest sin (in my eyes) may be a horrific thing to God because of His holiness and pureness. I don't think God sees sins in different degrees like we do. I think a sin is a sin is a sin. I don't think how big or small it may be to us it is probably all the same to Him. So, does punishing mankind for eternity seem like a fair deal? Well, it seems God has one punishment. Death. Physical death. But, He has provided a way for us to have a spiritual life for eternity. He does forgive us. All we have to do is ask Him. Jason, I don't understand everything about God. I know His ways are superior to my ways. I trust Him and I believe in Him. That's as reasonable as it gets for me.

Jason Wrote:

People like you who have the same ideals and use it to try to hurt people with their religious beliefs.

Well, all I can say is I have never used my faith in God to try to hurt anyone. Never. If speaking about God is hurting someone well, I would say that person has a problem then. If someone tells me they don't want to talk about God, I stop. I don't force anyone to listen to me. I do not condemn anyone. That is not my place. But, yes, some people do exactly what you say they do. They bomb abortion clinics, kill abortion doctors, they ridicule and harass homosexuals, they beat people up because of who and what they are. That is WRONG no matter what! That is not what God is about and if they really believe He is like that, well, all I can say is God help them because He's gonna be pretty ticked they used Him and His Word to do the opposite of what He said to do.

Jason Wrote:

I believe that doing the right thing is to not hurt people physically, emotionally, or humiliate them. And I think this also applies to you, too, MA.

But they did get pregnant, MA.

Yes, they did. Now, I think it is time for them to take responsibility for that baby they are carrying. I think it's time they put the needs of an innocent babe before their own wants.

Jason Wrote:

But you are speaking about them, MA. The law that you are so fond of would also apply to them, too.

Yes Jason, that law does apply to them also. I try very hard not to offend or ridicule anyone for what they believe. I ashamedly did that to a Muslim and was called on it and had to take a good long look at myself for it. I didn't like what I saw. I saw just how much it really can hurt someone attacking something that is so important to them. I pray I never do that again.

As far as abortion goes, I think I made my stance fairly clear on this. I will always side with the child. I realize others will call the child a fetus and say it is not a child, etc., but to me, it is a child from the moment of conception. That is what I believe. So, if I ever get to vote for or against abortion, I will vote against. I can understand the women that are raped, etc., getting abortions. I do not like it. I still don't agree with it, but I can understand their reasons a lot more than I can someone using abortion for birth control or because it's inconvenient.

Jason Wrote:

A woman does what she wants with her body. She can decide what to do if she doesn't want to have a baby. Nobody's business.

Well, I don't get to vote on this so it's really a moot point for me. I don't picket abortion clinics, etc. in support of what I believe. If I get to vote, that will be the extent of my involvment. Again, it is the child that I will be voting for even though I realize that a woman's right to choice would be effected. I'm very firm on that.

Jason Wrote:

Didn't you think before you were Christian that you should've mind your own business?

Well, before I became a Christian I did the same thing. I will voice how I feel about it and let it alone. That is the extent of my getting into anyone's business about this.

Jason Wrote:

But you do hurt them, MA if you are one of those people. There are people who are not very tolerant of others. If you taught those people (told them that homosexuality is wrong), they would do anything to keep it right. They would even use violence to accomplish that.

And I mind my own business, and so should you.

Let me tell you about my two friends, Jason. I have been friends with these two women, Betty and Sue (not their real names) and I have been friends for a long time, nearly six years I think. They both know that I am a Christian and that I believe homosexuality is wrong in God's eyes. They also know that I am against same sex marriage. We have had many discussions about this issue, especially since the issue has been so much in the public eye. Betty and Sue completely understand my feelings about this. They also understand that I do not condemn for the way they choose to live their lives. They also realize that just because they do something I don't agree with I am not going to throw them out of my life. Why should I? I love these two women. We are like sisters. I have more contact with them more than I do anyone else in this little boonie town I live in. They love cats and help me out a lot.

They know that I would vote against same sex marriage if I were able to vote on this issue. They have absolutely no problem with it at all. They understand that we have the same rights and that I would only be sticking to my principles, just as they stick to theirs. So, if they have no problem with the way I feel and they are directly involved in this issue, I don't see why anyone else should have a problem with it.

Jason Wrote:

Maybe not you, but others who think like you. People influence people, MA.

And I wouldn't disagree with you there one bit. So, what is the solution? Well, if it becomes legal then it's legal. Then we are all out of it. I can't do anything about what other people think or do, Jason. I can only be accountable for my behavior.

Jason Wrote:

I still think that a woman has the right to have a baby if she wants to. Abortion is legal in the US, and there are people who don't agree with it. And there are others who would do anything (even violence) to stop these procedures.

And I do not have a problem with you thinking that at all. Yes, there are people that wreak havoc on clinics and the people going into those clinics and the women utilizing the services of those clinics. I think this is totally wrong behavior! Our biggest voice is our vote. Breaking the law or hurting other people because we think what they are doing is wrong is not only hypocritical, it's despicable. It is not the behavior God would have anyone do IMO.

Jason Wrote:

Some people would hate them. Do you hate your friends, MA? Do want your friends to be happy? If you love your friends, you will let them be happy with what they do. But if you say that you love your friends and don't let them be happy, you are a Hypocrite. It is what people do that defines them.

Do I hate my friends? No way! I love my friends and only want the best for them, but that does not mean that I will compromise my principles for them. They understand this. Jason, I don't get to vote on this issue. So, I am not letting them do or not do anything.

I don't think one thing defines anyone There are many things that define us. I look at a person as a whole. What are they like most of the time? So, Betty and Sue are lesbians all the time. Big deal. That's their thing. It's not mine. I don't love them any less.

Jason Wrote:

They are your friends, MA. It Depends if that "something" interfere with their happiness. You are happy with what you do. If you are happy with what you do, and they aren't happy with what they do because you are part of their unhappiness, they have the right to hate you. Simple.

This might be true if they had a problem with the way I think and feel about this issue but they don't.

Jason Wrote:

Not "all would hate each other," but a lot of people would dislike quite a few. We don't know everybody's feelings, MA.

No, we don't know anyone's feelings, Jason. But yes, a lot of people would dislike quite a few. I am afraid too many would be disliked because of something someone else didn't agree with. Pretty hypocritical, isn't it? If we point a finger at anyone for doing something wrong, we are, ourselves, a hypocrite because we are not perfect.

Jason Wrote:

I don't disagree with you, sweet MA. There are people who think like you that would hurt other people who think like me.

I know and I wish there weren't. The ones with the loudest voice are usually the ones with the least right to be making the noise IMO. People serving their own agenda by using God really makes me sick.

Jason Wrote:

I'm very happy for you and the the cats. Hope everything goes well.

Thank you! Laughing I love my cats. They are my children and I protect them as if they really were. God is taking good care of us. :wink:
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 10:34 pm
Mahealani Wrote:

Momma, before I attempt to answer your question, could you please tell me in your own words just exactly what or who is this "God of the Bible" you are referring to?

Hi Mahealani! Nice to see you. I will do my best to answer your question. If I don't do a good enough job of it, just let me know and I will address whatever you need me to.

The God of the Bible. He always has been and always will be. He created the heavens and the earth. He created man and all living things. He loves me. He takes care of me. He provides comfort when I need it. He is the most superior thing there is. He is a just God. I lean on Him all the time, good times and bad. He sent His son Jesus Christ so that I would not have to suffer the punishment for my sins. He teaches me (through His word) a better way to live. He teaches me how to be a better person. Because of Him I am free! I hope that helps! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 11:07 pm
Preach sister Momma, preach.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 11:12 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
Preach sister Momma, preach.

Embarrassed Didn't mean to sound like I was preaching. Embarrassed
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 02:46 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Mahealani Wrote:

Momma, before I attempt to answer your question, could you please tell me in your own words just exactly what or who is this "God of the Bible" you are referring to?

Hi Mahealani! Nice to see you. I will do my best to answer your question. If I don't do a good enough job of it, just let me know and I will address whatever you need me to.

The God of the Bible. He always has been and always will be. He created the heavens and the earth. He created man and all living things. He loves me. He takes care of me. He provides comfort when I need it. He is the most superior thing there is. He is a just God. I lean on Him all the time, good times and bad. He sent His son Jesus Christ so that I would not have to suffer the punishment for my sins. He teaches me (through His word) a better way to live. He teaches me how to be a better person. Because of Him I am free! I hope that helps! Laughing

My imaginary friend, Beelzy, guards my bedroom every night so that no demons can come in. He told me that he chose me to befriend because I have a nice smile. He told me that his kind live for hundreds of years, and that he will always be by my side to protect me. I'm a weak minded fool, living in a dream world.
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 02:51 am
Momma Angel: I don't see how the websites you quoted to me establish that Matthew 5 doesn't commit Christians to Mosaic Law. Even your own source only says: "The kingdom is obviously going to interpret law in a very different way from the usual rules and expectations of our nation." But the kingdom hasn't come as of the year 2006, and it may never come at all if the Bible is wrong, as I believe it is. Hence Mr. Brow's argument does not apply to the question I was asking. As to Luke 16, I agree Jesus is rebuking Pharisees there. But again, the interpretation you quote does not tell me that in this passage, Jesus considers Old Testament laws to be obsolete; that he thinks they are superseded by something new. I agree one can interpret other passages in the New Testament that way -- indeed that was an important part of my point -- but not this one.

In other words, I have considered the interpretations you have quoted. As a result, I stand by my observation: The New Testament is inconsistent in its position on Mosaic law. Christians can choose to feel or not to feel bound by that law, but they must make a choice: They have to reject the parts of the New Testament that absolve them from Old Testament obligations. Alternatively, they can reject the parts that continue to commit them to those obligations (until the kingdom comes, which hasn't happened yet). But they can't have it both ways. The discrepancies within the New Testament are real in this matter, so your claim to believe in the entirety of the Bible lacks meaning here.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 07:51 am
georgeob1 wrote:
Depends on what you mean by "requires". Certainly the application of scientific theory to the physical understanding of the cosmos requires no specific reference to origins. However the theory itself does indeed depend on it.

Which theory would you be referring to here, George--you need to specify.

What do you mean by "need"? My reference to large numbers of people and persistent trends in their behavior went directly to the proposition you put forward - namely that no one "needs" it. My statement was not a sylogism, but rather the observation that many people act as though they do indeed have such a need. This is an observation that your proposition is often false in regards to the connection between need and action - not a logical refutation.

Your reference to large numbers of people is consonant with Spendi's ludicrous proposition that society could not exist without an imaginary friend superstition and a preistly hierarchy. It is the expression of a prejudice in favor of the Abrahamic superstitions which lead from Judaism to Islam, becoming more proselytizing and viciously aggressive in each new iteration. Many bullshit artists in the west still refers to "three great religions"--by which they mean Judaism, Christianity and Islam--as though the descendants of the delusions of a small band of Semites in a small region of southwest Asia were the very gold standard of all philosophical inquiry. It is as bootless to contend that "people act as though they do indeed have such a need" as it is to assert that the particularism of this set of superstition has the character of universality. You in no way demonstrate that any such need is present, and your assertion that "people act as though" is simply an unfounded assertion, which is convenient to the underlying thesis about a theistic nature in the humans. It is as unfounded as the details of Spendi's demonstrated ignorance of the rise of societies in history.

I made no particular judgement about what may be behind your asserted lack of need, but suggested some likely possibilities.

You do yourself and your thesis no favors by lying so transparently. I've seen you in operation here for too long not to recognize your attempt to get in a dig which you hoped would elicit an angry response. How very childish of you--and sadly, how very typical.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 08:33 am

I completely understand how you feel in regard to the Mosaic Laws. There is much controversary about it. Christians that feel they are bound by the Mosaic Laws are called Legalists within the Christian faith. I can try to explain the best I can why I believe we are not under the law. The Old Testament had it's laws that people were to go by. Their obedience to the law showed their obedience to God. I think there something like 613(?) laws in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, we are under the covenant of grace. We are given grace and not bound by the letter of the law, as Christ fulfilled the law by dying on the cross.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 08:51 am
Momma Angel wrote:

He always has been and always will be. He created the heavens and the earth. He created man and all living things. He is the most superior thing there is. He is a just God. [snip] He sent His son Jesus Christ so that I would not have to suffer the punishment for my sins. [snip] I hope that helps!

Well, no, that doesn't help much except to tell me that in your view "God" is a "He" who sent a son (another "He") so we all can sin with impunity as long as we believe in "Him" and his "Son". All other aspects of this "God of the Bible" are the same as the gods of other religions, major and minor alike...the gods who mete out punishment and reward when no other explanation can be given for events over which we have no control.

As for the rest, it only tells me of your perceived personal relationship with this "God of the Bible". It does not tell me who or what "God" is.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 08:57 am

I can only tell you what He is in regard to me. I call Him a He because the Bible calls Him the Father. The Bible says Jesus Christ came to the world as a man, so I call Him a He.

Sin with impunity? No. We are forgiven of our sins but it doesn't mean we have license to commit them. Loving God the way I do makes me want to do the right things. I don't want to do things that are wrong in God's eyes. It's a daily endeavor and I feel He guides me.

Mahealani, I don't know how to tell you what God is other than what I have said. He is everything. He is everywhere. I am sorry that I can't seem to explain this any better.

Perhaps you might have some specific questions I can try to answer and we can get to what He is and who He is in the manner you are asking? I would be more than happy to do that.

I love your user name. Mahealani. That is beautiful. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 10:53 am

Steanta wrote-

Your reference to large numbers of people is consonant with Spendi's ludicrous proposition that society could not exist without an imaginary friend superstition and a preistly hierarchy.

I never said,or even hinted,any such thing.

Society can exist wherever and whenever humans are organised in groups.They can also exist,to go to the other extreme in salons grouped around seats of power or even similar interests.

If Setanta meant our society in just the way it has come about I would not only agree that priestcraft and ideas of God were a necessity-I would stress it.
But I mean OUR priestcraft and OUR God.
To talk about Abrahamic superstitions leading from Judaism to Islam in reference to such a statement demonstrates not only an incomprehension of my general argument but an incomprehension of the Faustian culture itself.

The "need" to search for causes and reach for the impossible final cause is the very essence of Faustian world feeling and is a feature of no other culture.It is not a choice.It is in our racing blood.And it is a religious feeling and would not exist,as neither would we,without its religious foundations.

The fragmented,fundamentalists (so called-they don't know what fundamentalism is) are another matter entirely and to me at least represent a specifically American urge to dig up the foundations.Which was presumably a Puritan soul urge and is to be seen in the two major ball games
of America compared to the English and in comparisons between respective manners and etiquette.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 11:00 am
Spendius wrote:
The "need" to search for causes and reach for the impossible final cause is the very essence of Faustian world feeling and is a feature of no other culture.

Do you mean "no other species"? If you mean "no other culture", to which culture are you referring?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 11:57 am
None,other than ours.It is unique to us.

And it is hard to understand.One has to maybe feel it which is what our art is for.

Listen to a full blown late (after 1981) version of Mr Tambourine Man up loud.You might get a touch.A teeny-weeny inkling.You have to forget yourself though.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 12:09 pm
Which culture is "ours", though?




All humans?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 12:17 pm
Christian will do.
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 12:19 pm
OK, then I heartily disagree. Or, I heartily agree if you substitute "species" for culture -- it's a universal human phenomenon. Every culture has its creation myths, its search for causes.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 12:47 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
I don't think one thing defines anyone There are many things that define us. I look at a person as a whole. What are they like most of the time? So, Betty and Sue are lesbians all the time. Big deal. That's their thing. It's not mine. I don't love them any less.

That is a very commendable attitude. It just does not have a sincere ring in light of this statement.

Momma Angel wrote:
They know that I would vote against same sex marriage if I were able to vote on this issue. They have absolutely no problem with it at all. They understand that we have the same rights and that I would only be sticking to my principles, just as they stick to theirs. So, if they have no problem with the way I feel and they are directly involved in this issue, I don't see why anyone else should have a problem with it.

I have no idea whether or not your two friends even care about same sex marriage. Marriage is not something that everyone wants to do whether they be homosexual or not. To say that because they do not have a problem with it, that you don't see why anyone else should have a problem with it is pure self serving nonsense. The plain and simple fact is that many same sex couples are raising families today and the restrictive laws that you support do hurt them.

You have said that you cannot support same sex marriage because you know that it is against God. Does that mean that you then cannot support any of our nations laws that are against what you think God wants, say for instance divorce or even the legality of working on the sabbath?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 02:04 pm
soz wrote-

OK, then I heartily disagree. Or, I heartily agree if you substitute "species" for culture -- it's a universal human phenomenon. Every culture has its creation myths, its search for causes.

Not really soz.Not like us.No other culture had infinity dynamics or even perspective.Compare a Rembrandt with any other depiction of a human figure.A mosque with a thrusting into infinite space of a cathedral spire. Chinese garden construction with Capabilty Brown.

We are on our own onwards and upwards.It's how the USA got made.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 02:17 pm
Nope. There has been innovation and inspiration and genius of various kinds all over the place. (Have you been to the Mosque de Paris? One of the most soul-lifting, inspirational buildings I've seen.)

But this is both a potentially exhausting tangent (too many examples needed to make any kind of a convincing case, and even then too subjective) and a tangent, so I'll leave it at "nope", let you say some version of Momma Angel's patented "agree to disagree", and return things to our regularly scheduled programming. (I'm especially looking forward to Thomas' follow-up re: Mosaic law.)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2006 02:47 pm
Mosaic law is thought about merely for entertainment purposes.It's a bit like the wheel.One can see the wheel in use for thousands of years on carts and things.

We did dynamoes and crankshafts and dentist's drills.Where was all that innovation and inspiration all that time.Their wives had to pound the grains in heavy mortars and wash the socks in the river.

That's a wheel in your washing machine and it's a Faustian one.Are you aware what makes it go round?
0 Replies

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