Doktor S wrote:Hi Frank,
Love to discuss this further, Doc...if you think it is worthwhile.
Ok, lets. First, I'll explain in breif why I see things as I do on this issue, and we can go from there.
Good to make yer acquaintance, Doc.
I'm interested in what you have to say.
Quote:There was a time I defined myself as 'agnostic' as well.
I agree that it can be useful to distinguish atheists that outright deny the possibility of anything supernatural from atheists that don't.
However, the word 'agnostic' is problematic for me.
You see, I don't feel that the premise of 'theism' is worth any serious consideration whatsoever.
Okay...let's take a look at that.
As do you...I personally see no reason to give the asssertion "there is a God"...any credence at all. It is...from all indications...a blind guess and nothing more.
However, I personally see absolutely no reason to give the assertion "there are no gods" any more credence than the other asssertion...and in fact, I give it less.
As I noted, the worst that can be said of the assertion "there is a God" is that
"from all is a blind guess." The assertions "there aer no gods" is absolutely a blind guess.
(If there is a God...or gods...It or They can certainly, if they choose, make themselves whatever way they want. But if there are no gods...there is absolutely no way that can be proven.)
Quote:Using the label 'agnostic' raises the theistic position from absurd to worthy of consideration, and I really see no reason for that.
That is because it is quite evident that you are an atheist...not a soft atheist at all...and that any protestations of soft atheism is a ruse. NO INSULT INTENDED HERE. I'm calling a duck..a duck.
Both the assertion "there is a God" and "there are no gods"...are absurd...and are unworthy of consideration.
Quote:Now, I would say the word 'atheist' has picked up a lot of undeserved stigma and undue definition. Atheists are not a group, they are not defined by any common characturistics. In fact, the word is only really useful for one purpose..those that believe there is a god/gods and those that don't. The only time an atheist should ever even use the word atheist is in relation to that one question "do you believe in god/s?"
Atheism has had meaning for a very, very long time. At some point, Thomas Huxley recognized the defects in the atheistic position...and coined the word "agnostic" to move off the defective postion.
Modern day atheists (except those like Edgar Blythe) realize the defect...and adopt the agnostic position...but retain the atheistic my opinion, to save themselves from the considerable scorn some atheists tend to heap on agnostics. The charges of "fence sitting" and all that crapola.
Quote:'Agnostic' in my mind will only be a useful word when/if evidence that supports the probability or necessity of a god arises. It aint happened yet.
I ain't ever gonna happen...but "agnostic is plenty useful now...and that other stuff is not necessary at all.
When atheists come up with proof or evidence of probative value that no gods exist...or that it is impossible for them to exist...or even that it is more likely that they do not exist than that they do...
...then the word "agnostic" might be ashcanned. But before spells out a very sound, powerful, reasonable, logical, truthful, and unassailable position.
You ought really to get back to it. With all the respect in the world, Doc, your move from agnostic to atheist was a move in the wrong direction. Decidedly so.