Re: Rationalization and displacement!
maddendominata wrote: First of all to state ignorance on my part is absurd.
Who called you ignorant? I said it was a problem. You assumed I was talking about you. Guilt will do that to you.
maddendominata wrote:
Like the old saying, don't knock it if you haven't tried it.
Well what is some borderline got pleasure from cutting off their arm and said don't knock it till you try it.
BS. I have a brain, I want my arm, I don't want STD's, and I don't care what other people do I will do whats right.
What the heck does cutting your arm off have to do with allowing people to live theIR own lives with your passing judgement?
maddendominata wrote:
As far as worse things in the world. Bad rationalization. Although murder is worse on a scale of crimes when compared to theft. Theft is no less a crime. Wrong is wrong. Thats like the little kid getting caught and saying, well look what Billy's doing, it's much worse. Just because there are things much worse with the world doesn't make this right. Just because a law said it's ok doesn't make it right. They obviously had bigger battles to fight in Canada.
So, you think that a couple who is living their life happily as swingers should be lumped into the same catagory as a murderer? Nice.
maddendominata wrote:
If you want to screw around don't get married.
The essence of what marriage is blows out the window with swinging.
Swinging isn't screwing around. To screw around you need to be doing it behind your partners back. And I assure you, swingers are doin' it right out in the open.
Not to mention, it's YOUR essense of what marriage that is being blown out the window. Your RELIGIOUS notion of marriage.
maddendominata wrote:
I'm liberal in some areas but not in others. Thats why I have yet to get married. I knew I couldn't commit and may cheat. And swinging is just that. Just because you both know doesn't mean your not cheating.
Your cheating each other out of giving of oneself to commitment with another person. End of story.
Again, that's your definition of it. SOme people consider cheating to be any sort of emotional attachment outside of a marriage. Other consider it ot be kissing. Some can forgive that but not sex. You lump everyone into your neat little Jesus Freak package and call it good. Well, the world doesn't work that way.