Tue 15 Apr, 2003 11:26 am
I know this is highly, if you will suggest a missing OPTION, I will add it to the poll. Of course, I'm hoping you will elaborate in your posting.
How about all of the above? I have issues with respect. But, I don't think that the president should get any more respect than the guy next door. So, I'd go with people who don't respect others. That includes people in all the other poll options, I think.
The people that want 'freedom from' everything irritate me the most.
Freedom from religion - all new money to take off 'In God We Trust'? No one's 'making' you believe anything, ok? I don't believe it either and my world's not ending because 'under God' is in the Pledge of Allegience. Get a hobby....
Freedom from education standards - no MCAS, no testing, just base everyone's ability on their own ability. huh?
Freedom from 'offensive language' and 'disturbing images' - just stop printing anything that someone might not like, ok? What the heck - just print the Associated Press stories over and over and over again in every paper. It could happen. Wait - it is happening.
Freedom from parenting - I don't want to raise my kid. Drug him and make the teachers responsible for raising them.
Freedom from responsibilty - I'm a mentally ill alcoholic with heroin addiction and I had to go to Community College and I can't hold a job because stress keeps me up at night. But it's not my's SOCIETY'S fault. You can't arrest me, I need a rehab program. Again.
It also irritates me when people can justify having 20 cats in the house but have a problem with coyotes and wolves but that's a whole other subject. I think we could use some more population control in general.
I feel better already. Don't you? :wink:
I haven't ranted like that in a while. Boy that feels good. Thanks Mapleleaf!
Here here sugar! I couldn't have ranted about that crap better myself! Ya know, it is so out of control with that stuff...get yer head out of your ass, pick s--t up and move it around already! Be proud of your accomplishments however minor! Accept responsibility for your actions! Look in the f--ing mirror and say, "You know what? It IS my fault I act like a moron, not society's!" BTW, homeless people love me when they accost me for change....spare change? SPARE change, like there is change I cannot use?
There always seems to be someone who wants to screw your life up, by using one of the poll options. Well I don't need 'em. I am quite capable of screwing up my own life without their help.
zippa de du da, zippa de yea..........
I voted for all of the above, but I tell ya, they're all somewhat similar on balance, e. g. they're all about people who's driving force in life is themselves.
Rae, When I run into those ding-bats that talk during the main feature of a movie, I just tell them to "shut up." It works all the time.

c.i. ~ I was so preturbed once that I asked the young woman behind me if she had any money on her ~ when she said 'yes', I asked her to buy my ticket again so I could come back to the theatre tomorrow when she wasn't there.
She didn't say another word during the film.
Just once, I'd like the whole theater to say "thank you" in unison, once I've said shut up.

LOL c.i.
Yeah, that would be nice, c.i. ~ keep dreamin, my friend! :wink:
I'm a dreamer from way back........ c.i.
LOL! Man, those people who talk during's either inane comments like 'Look out!' or 'what did he/she just say' followed by a long, loud explanation. Think 'Scary Movie' captured it best....the character at the movie was so annoying, the other patrons murdered her, the villain just sat back and watched, lol. Quote: "Baby, you want some popcorn?" "No, I brought my own snack, want some chicken?" It goes downhill from there....
I think the price of movie tickets now days in our area is in the $8.50 range. How about you guys? c.i.
I answered all of the above and would also like to add what everyone else said as well.