I failed my 1st attempt at getting my license today.......... and I really, really needed it to commute........
I was a bit nervous but the main thing that got me was a goddamn "Keep Right" sign with the arrow snaking around a shield obstacle.
Here's what happened: I'm halfway through the road test and doing alright (a little sloppy on the Stop signs) when the instructor says "turn right up here". So I turn onto this little side street where lo and behold a big black Oldsmobile (with tinted windows) is rolling.....literally rolling.......along the street at maybe 5-10 mph. So I'm patient enough at first, rolling along behind them and tapping the accelerator and brakes while they continue to go 5 mph down the entire block. After about 3-4 minutes of this, I start to get a little annoyed/nervous and I'm thinking "I'm trying to take a road test here and you morons are blocking my view and going so slow that some old lady walking her dog just passed us." I almost looked over at the instructor to see if she was going to say anything, that's how long and ridiculous this whole episode was of following grandpa Oldsmobile. It wasn't even like they were going slowly just to find an address or house number, it was honestly more like a baby or dog left in the car had by some miracle put it into drive.
So anyway, we finally are nearing the end of the block and all this time the Oldsmobile has been keeping its steady turtle's pace. Then, I notice the "Keep Right" sign as the Oldsmobile suddenly turns off to the left down a one-way street (the very reason the "Keep Right" sign is there) and into a driveway on the left where I now realize they were attempting to turn their retarded lost asses around.
I haven't seen this particular sign very often but something flashed in my head like, "Are we supposed to veer right here?.......but there's no street over there and that other car ahead is going down that little street on the left." So in the time it takes for these thoughts to enter my head, I notice a very narrow hidden path on the right which I'm just now passing and which was completely invisible until you're right next to it.
The instructor then says in an irritated voice, "Did you not see that sign?" to which I stupidly reply, "Oh......," feeling completely defeated, knowing that I just failed. I want to back up a few feet and go down the right path but she says, "Keep going forward," so I drive down the one-way street and turn right and head back for the office after a few more token instructions which I half-heartedly performed.
Needless to say I failed for "not observing signs" and "traveling down a one-way street" along with a few minor deductions.
So thanks to my stupidity for following that moron Oldsmobile down the one-way street, thanks to the slow ass view-blocking idiot, and thanks to my own choking/loss of nerves I failed and I feel horrible

. I needed this license so badly to commute to school and now I have to waste hours and hours until I can try again in a few weeks hopefully.
I don't like to make excuses but that very difficult to see side path along with that Oldsmobile really screwed me over. I seriously thought dark government forces or the Devil might have been driving that car in a purposeful attempt to make me fail. It was just too perfect to be rolling that slowly for that long, with that size black car, with tinted windows, only to wait for the very last second and then turn off down a one-way street and into a driveway. Funny how whoever that was in that demon car has their license meanwhile I get screwed for doing exactly what they did.....and the instructor didn't even say anything about their asinine driving. Oh well.........hope I can make it next time.