I just typed "I failed my driver's test" into Google, and was brought here. I'm so glad I found it, I was so depressed when I failed. I'm 23, and I'm finally making an effort to get my driver's license. Anyway, long story short, I knew I failed within 2 minutes of my test. I was a fair bit over the pedestrian crossing, and it was because I was so fricken nervous, I was just coasting along, and I stupidly followed the driver ahead of me. Anyway, as soon as I did it, I knew I screwed up, and the test pretty much went down hill from there. Sucked majorly. It's not the testing officers fault I failed, in fact he was a nice man, and charming. He spoke to me in a calm voice, smiling at me often, and joking with me. If anything, I hated that he was so nice to me, always nodding along as if I was the best driver on the road. I would've probably coped with it better, if he was a bitter old man, and hated me on sight, but he was kind, and he even looked somewhat dejected when he delievered the bad news to me. I don't blame him, I could've had worse

Here in Tasmania, you have to wait a month before you can go for another test, which really effing sucks. The good thing is, my month is nearly up, and I will be going for my second test on Wednesday. Hopefully second's a charm