Failed my driving test! Am I the stupidest one here?

cicerone imposter
Wed 25 Aug, 2010 05:23 pm
Ego, What I would recommend for you is "take your time" when asked to park. Usually, the driver thinks there's a time limit placed on parking, but there isn't.

Also, next time you go, practice a few times with different size spaces between the other cars. You'd be amazed how one can squeeze into a very small space by going back and forth without hitting any of the cars. Finally, also remember that your car only needs to be 18 inches (CA law) from the curb.
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Sat 4 Sep, 2010 03:53 pm
NY Times: Woman finally passes drivers license test --- on 960th try!!

(This should make those who have to take it a second time feel a little better)
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Fri 10 Sep, 2010 08:31 pm
This may be greatly late, but, as of today (9/10/2010) I failed my first Driver's test. :-) I panicked, and had no idea how to (or what) a three point turn was. *Sigh...* But I'll get it next time.
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Fri 5 Nov, 2010 08:29 pm
i failed...twice. today was the second time. the first time my test guy made me think i failed and pysched me out, and i didnt take my foot off the gas in time for him before a stop sign. and today, apparantly there wasnt a 'safe enough gap' when i pulled out to cross lanes onto another street. ya, fu. i got a verbal warning both times. fml.
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Mon 20 Dec, 2010 06:21 pm
Alright so heres what happened to me and why i failed.

First off its been raining, and has been flooding all over the town i live in. I'm doing fine until i come across a puddle in the road. I see the puddle and begin to change lanes but right before i'm able to change the examiner yanks on the wheel and tells me to slow down which forces me back into the lane going 40 straight through the puddle and fails me for "driving recklessly through a puddle" when i was going to avoid the puddle just fine if he didn't force me back into the lane!!!

I'm going to have my mother file a complaint on the guy, he was listening to his iPod, had the window rolled down (it was raining hard), and checking his phone constantly.
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Wed 22 Dec, 2010 08:47 pm
Today was my 1st test.
I turned left after a 2-point-turnabout parking instead of turning right.
Failed to follow instructions, therefore I automatically failed after like 2 minutes of driving.
He apparently said "Turn to your right and follow the intercourse."
Taking it again Jan.5
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Thu 20 Jan, 2011 07:06 pm
Haha, I typed "failed my driving test today" into google, and stumbled upon this page. I'm so glad I found it. (: I was doing fine up until the parallel park--- which I pretty much completely blew. And unfortunately, that was only about three minutes into the test. I knew I'd failed, but I still had to endure the rest of the stinkin' test. Ah, well. I'm retaking it in two weeks, and this post (now over five years old) has given me the confidence to hopefully pass it next time! =D
Thanks to cypercat (if you still read this) and everyone else who replied!
Thu 27 Jan, 2011 05:17 pm
I don't know what to say, really... I got 40/100 on my drivers test today, and I have well over 20 hours behind the wheel. I know we all like to blame it on our instructors, but the only thing I was marked 'good' in the entire test was 'posture'. Really? I know I failed about 5 minutes into the test but 40 OUT OF 100? I didn't blow any stop signs, never stopped on a cross walk, hit any curbs, endangered anyone's life and parked fine in the parallel parking space.. but I was psyched out, and this lady had a sarcastic comment for everything I did.

She even critised me in the parking lot ON FOOT (I walked somewhat in front of a car that I was almost 100 percent sure was backing into a space, guess not), and I knew it was going to be downhill from there. She was a real hardass. What got me first was parallel parking- I was looking back. and I saw a car. I thought the car was going around (my big mistake) and she wasn't, I didn't even get close to her but I went back a few feet. Instructor gave me the whole I SHOULD END THIS TEST RIGHT NOW speech and I was almost in tears. My mental processes just shut down. I knew I had failed it then but she made me go through the entire thing anyway. It was terrible.

And then my favourite part- SHE WOULDN'T TELL ME WHY I FAILED, she had to talk to my Dad, not me. What am I, 12? How am I supposed to improve? I'm fuming.
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Fri 4 Feb, 2011 04:05 pm
I failed my test today.

Apparently I changed lane to close to the ambulance behind me, and then He made me go on a bumpy snowy road and at the end I was turning left but this stupid black guy was walking in the middle of the street so I had to wait for him. Once I waited I started to turn and wouldn't you know it another car was coming from the right and they had no stop sign. He put on the hand break and at that point I knew it was all over.

Least we forget this was Friday afternoon at 4, in the city. Then at the end of the exam he tells me I have good technique. :l
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Fri 11 Feb, 2011 06:05 pm
no worries dude, I've just taken my drivers test and have failed too but I don't blame anyone, it was my fault, did the dangerous maneuver, forgot to look over my shoulder to make my left turn. But its ok everybody makes mistakes. The thing is you gotta really be prepared before you get on the road. dmv people do not want you to get killed so chill out, hundreds of people don't pass on their first tests Smile
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Wed 1 Jun, 2011 12:51 pm
Aha! So this is where we go when we fail our driving test. Just failed my first today—got a jerk guy who commented on the fact that my hair was bleached, then launched into a story about how he dyed his black.

Continued talking, fiddling with the chair, putting the seat back, opening and closing the windows and pulling down the small mirror, and giving me short, nearly indecipherable instructions. Finally, as we were nearing the DMV, I realized we hadn't done the parallel park/straight pull back—which means that somewhere in the test, I had failed. After I completed a half hearted parking job, he proceeded to tell me the I hadn't looked in my mirror or over my left shoulder when turning into a left turn lane—three times. Apparently, he didn't even realize that we hadnt turned into a left turn lane three times. Fancy that.

I know everyone blames their fails on their instructors, but it's the truth—get one in a good mood, you pass. Get one in an asshole mood—you fail.
Wed 1 Jun, 2011 12:57 pm
I just took my niece for her second exam. She passed. She failed the first test because the tester said she parked on a curb, in january, when curbs were no where to be seen under a foot and a half of ice and snow. Bullocks.
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Tue 14 Jun, 2011 06:21 pm
I just googled that aswell so I dont feel alone. lol. I just failed this morning. I failed to yeild to traffic as I parall parked and apparently I wasnt going fast enough. At that point I knew i failed. What pissed me off even more is that my parallel park was FLAWLESS, the perfect distance from the curb but it didnt matter anymore Sad((. Taking it again in a month, my friends are going to have a field day lol
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Mon 27 Jun, 2011 07:29 pm
I just failed my driving test this morning Sad
My nerves were extremely frazzled and even though I'd practiced like mad, I hit the curb when I was backing up and it was an automatic fail :/
I feel really crappy now, especially because all of my friends passed on their first try and now I'm the loser who isn't going to get her license in at least a month. My mom also refuses to drive me anywhere because she's angry that I wasted two hours at the DMV by taking the test when I "obviously was not prepared" and because I didn't fare well under pressure.
guess I'll be riding my bike everywhere for the rest of the summer!
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Wed 29 Jun, 2011 08:44 am
well i had my 3rd test today and i had the crankiest old bastard you ever saw. i had him the first time and he yelled at me the whole time so i wanted to cry before we even got in the car. he said i was "too hesitant". but i heard of other people going too fast and where i live if you go over the speed limit at any time you automatically fail. he yelled at me for going too slow. i actually started crying before the test was even over and that was really embarrassing. now i feel really stupid because nobody i know has ever failed 3 times and i don't want to go back there in case i get him again because now he's seen me cry twice. so i guess i will just have to wait until he's dead.
Wed 6 Jul, 2011 10:19 pm
I HAD. AN INSTRUCTOR who fell the. **** to. Sleep. As i was turning to the left there was a car goin slow so half way as i go the ugly ass crone. Yelled watch Out Watch out. **** didnt even happen. . I JUST CRIED A LOT TODAY. I JUST. WANNA. I put. So much. WORK AND. WHAT I GET. IISS. BULLSHIT. I HAVE NO FRIENDS SO I ENT ON HERE. I DIDNT. EVEN EAT TODAYFUCK.
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Fri 26 Aug, 2011 10:42 pm
Don't feel bad--I just had a female tester who was the biggest biatch I've ever encountered. I knew she was bad news when she announced to the entire room at the testing center that she failed the poor girl who went before me. She also quizzed me throughout the entire test--while I was driving--which they are not supposed to do, along with other really unprofessional conduct. I complained to her supervisor, who basically agreed with me and apologized for her. Why this chick still has a job is anyone's guess.

I told what I thought of her performance at the end of the test, which was probably not the most diplomatic thing but oh well Wink
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Mon 5 Sep, 2011 03:41 am
Simon managed to pass his test.
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Sun 13 Nov, 2011 12:56 pm
Very Happy

I just typed "I failed my driver's test" into Google, and was brought here. I'm so glad I found it, I was so depressed when I failed. I'm 23, and I'm finally making an effort to get my driver's license. Anyway, long story short, I knew I failed within 2 minutes of my test. I was a fair bit over the pedestrian crossing, and it was because I was so fricken nervous, I was just coasting along, and I stupidly followed the driver ahead of me. Anyway, as soon as I did it, I knew I screwed up, and the test pretty much went down hill from there. Sucked majorly. It's not the testing officers fault I failed, in fact he was a nice man, and charming. He spoke to me in a calm voice, smiling at me often, and joking with me. If anything, I hated that he was so nice to me, always nodding along as if I was the best driver on the road. I would've probably coped with it better, if he was a bitter old man, and hated me on sight, but he was kind, and he even looked somewhat dejected when he delievered the bad news to me. I don't blame him, I could've had worse Smile Here in Tasmania, you have to wait a month before you can go for another test, which really effing sucks. The good thing is, my month is nearly up, and I will be going for my second test on Wednesday. Hopefully second's a charm Smile
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Wed 22 Feb, 2012 01:05 pm
I failed my first test cuase someone swerved out if the Dmv and went rigjt in front of me and i swerved out of the way failed right at the enof the test AHHHH!!! Taking it a second time today wish me luck
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