When I was 16 I had to get a license so I could drive a car on our family's move to Florida from Wisconsin. I had one hour's practice on the road when I took and failed the test. My father was livid because now I had to wait two weeks for a retest. I passed it, and we left the next day, but there was a heavy snowfall the night before. This added to my feeling of angst, but I made the drive without incident.
Hahah you think failing once is bad?
I failed twice before I got my liscense
The first time I failed because I wasn't prepared (I had only driven once before it) and It was my friends car and the window fogged up and I couldn't unfog it... so he obviously knew I had no idea what i was doing (I was 16 then)
The second time I did awesome, I only bumped the curb once when trying to parrell park, but there was this stop sign... I came to an awesome stop at it, looked both ways with the cop, counted to 5 in my head and looked again... coast was clear so I continued to go and the cop says to me "Did you see that stop sign back there" and I said "Yes" and he said "Well you just ran it"... I wanna to scream Bullsh*t I did, he looked both way with me each time and everything, I did it all by the book... but he failed me anyways... what a jerk.. he must have had a bad day or something
But the third time is the charm, I was more nervous than anything though, but I did it!!
No, you are not.
I have nothing further to say on the topic.
S'okay, cyphercat. When I moved to springfield, il in the late '60s, I flunked twice. Fortunately, I memorized the route, and the third time, I made it. I put the car in drive, released the brake and cruised along at exactly the speed induced by the idle adjustment on the carb. When I came to the inspector's favorite intersection, I gave the proper hand signal and carefully stopped for the bush. Then I released the brake, eased forward, signaled, and stopped for the stop sign hiding behind the bush. Same procedure, and stopped for the crosswalk about 30' beyond the sign. Again, I crept forward, and carefully stopped at the intersection. Inspector was totally red in the face, but I passed.
I later heard that these guys are not adequately compensated by the state, in there opinion, and what I took for a malevolent glare was merely a hopeful glance anticipating a small gratuity. Springfield was like that, back then, and maybe still is. Like Tony. He collected union dues from workers in bars and restaurants. Anywhere else, he might have been a steward. There, he was just a bag man. They had a floating crap game that hadn't had a new address in five years.
K'dong. I never remember to think of bribes as such a force in the world. I know it happens but it wasn't the way things worked in LA, my home of many years. Although I suppose sometimes, especially up various ladders. But as a drivers in our cars, most of us didn't go there.
Thanks everyone for the words of wisdom and, in some cases, comforting tales of woe...

I'm retaking it tomorrow, so if you don't see any update from me, it means I failed again and I'm curled up in bed, humiliated and sniveling.
my best friend, sister, and sister's husband all failed the first time. it seems to happen more and more lately. seems like they toughened the standards, or just told their inspectors to flunk everyone the first time...
Im sure you will be fine...deep breaths and just remain vigilant..
all the best to you.
thanks for the good wishes! I'm *so* not good at the deep calming breaths thing, but I shall try!
cyphercat wrote:I PASSED!!!!!

Excellent! Congratulations! Now it's time to celebrate! Go get yourself a bottle of your favorite high-proof liquor and drive, drive, drive!!!!
Thank you all! Hold your applause, please! No, no, you're too kind, really, I couldn't have done it with out all of you, the little people...
And now...time to follow the excellent advice of kickycan:
kickycan wrote:cyphercat wrote:I PASSED!!!!!

Go get yourself a bottle of your favorite high-proof liquor and drive, drive, drive!!!!
Whoooo HOOOOOO!!
Let's see how fast I can get it suspended!
my driving test
I had my driving test today
and was doing absolutely fine until the parallel park i just kept hittin the curb then i managed to do it fine and he still failed me
im so dissappointed as i only had 3 minors before that manourvere and i did it 10 mins before the end of the test
he was horrible
so gotta book another....
Oh hang in there, vicky. I failed the first time too. I was so nervous that I kept overthinking everything the lady asked me to do. And to top it all off, she was just a raging biyatch from the get-go. But the second time went better for me, and for cyphercat, and probably for you too.
And then once it's over you can drive as horribly as all the rest of the licensed drivers, and it won't make no nevermind... Hang in there!
Congrats, but I didn't get a chance to tell my story!

Gonna tell it anyway.
Many years ago, my best friend and I were both studying to take our drivers' tests. At times, she could be a supercilious bitch. We went together to take the test. I went first, nervous as hell ... but I passed. My friend came out, very dejected. She had failed. Seems she was doing perfectly until she brought the car back to the parking lot, where she overshot the parking spot and ran into the examiner's own car.
Of course, she passed on the 2nd try, but I've always enjoyed that moment when she had to tell me why she failed.
failing drivers test
Speaking of driving tests they suck! ..lol...first of all i waited forever to go take mine a few weeks ago (im 17) and then failed because i obviously wasnt ready to parellel park and back into a parking space

lol...it sucks to failed and not even get to go on to the road part!!!...but im taking it again in a couple weeks and i hope i can do it!

its really not that hard as long as u pratice...im scared tho wish me luck

!!!!! i need it