Life in Janet Reno's Gulag

Tue 13 Dec, 2005 07:41 am
Interesting interview with Ileana Flores here:


Flores is the former wife of Frank Fuster, the poor sorry asshole who's been rotting in a flori-duh prison for the last 20 years for crimes which never happened. Flores is basically describing life in a sort of a de-moker-rat vision of something like Abu Ghraib, only Abu Ghraib in real life was never really as bad as Reno's torture chambers. This is how Reno went about extracting testimony against her husband from a 17-year-old girl.


What was your cell like? Were you there alone?

I was there alone in a very small cell with a bed and a toilet. But the thing is that they would switch me from cell to cell. There was this other cell -- I'll never forget. It was called 3A1. I never forget that, because most of the people that were there, it was like a big room with little cells next to each other. And most of the people -- well, all the people that were there were suicide or suicide watch or they were crazy. Everybody was naked.



You were naked?

I was naked. Yes.

For how long?

They switched me back and forth. They keep me there for a week. I lost track of time.

So you would go into this cell 3A1. They would have you strip first?

They had me there for a long time.

And you would spend hours, days -- what?


In the cell alone, naked?

Alone, naked, cold. That's when I began to feel they were getting hard on me. They would give me cold showers. Two people will hold me, run me under cold water, and then throw me back in the cell naked with nothing, just a bare floor. And I used to be cold, real cold. I would have my periods and they would just wash me and throw me back in the cell. And they would tell me if I don't do what they say, that was going to be my life for the rest of my life.

I started breaking down, crying, depressed. They started giving me medications every night to sleep. They were very, very strong. They were these very little green pills. ...
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Tue 13 Dec, 2005 08:07 am
If you read the entire transcript this is one screwed up woman..

Then they started getting rough with me.

Rough how?

They were no longer coming to ask questions. They would pull me out of my cell in the middle of the night and take me out to restaurants.

God help those in Guantanimo if they get treated rough like this and taken to restaurants in the middle of the night.

The woman has told lies about her lies if you read the entire transcript. I wouldn't know what to believe of what she said. Did she lie on the stand? Possibly. Is she lying about how she was treated? possibly.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2005 10:16 am
Re: Life in Janet Reno's Gulag
gungasnake wrote:
Flores is basically describing life in a sort of a de-moker-rat vision of something like Abu Ghraib, only Abu Ghraib in real life was never really as bad as Reno's torture chambers.

I missed the part where she describes being attacked by dogs or piled into a human pyramid or photographed simulating felatio on other inmates. You ought to be ashamed of this remark.
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Tue 13 Dec, 2005 10:33 am
You know little of Gunga Din if you believe that shame ever motivates his whines and rants . . .
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Tue 13 Dec, 2005 07:23 pm
Re: Life in Janet Reno's Gulag
FreeDuck wrote:
gungasnake wrote:
Flores is basically describing life in a sort of a de-moker-rat vision of something like Abu Ghraib, only Abu Ghraib in real life was never really as bad as Reno's torture chambers.

I missed the part where she describes being attacked by dogs or piled into a human pyramid or photographed simulating felatio on other inmates. You ought to be ashamed of this remark.

I'd be ashamed to be in the sort of a denial state you dems are in. Ileana Fuster was all but dead when she finally got out of Reno's prison and the Fuster case wasn't the only such case.

Slick had to neutralize the US Justice Department. He needed to hire an attorney general who was politically ambitious and, at the same time, had so ungodly an assortment of skeletons in her closet, that she can be absolutely controlled and prevented from ever allowing any of the justice departments myriad flashlights from shining in on anything rsembling whitehouse gangsterism.

Jack Thompson ran against Janet Reno in a Dade County election once, and has been publically daring Reno, the Florida Bar, and the Democrat party to sue him for the last ten years. He describes Reno, occasionally on high-profile radio programs, as a predatory lesbian who has been stopped with female prostitutes in the back seat of cars in mall parking lots, who has been pulled over DWI numerous times, and hwo has major kinds of mob ties. Info on this topic is not difficult to find on the net. One version resides at:


But the major part of Janet Reno's skeleton collection involves something totally different. In the 1980's, a new variation on the medieval theme of witchcraft trials arose in America, the so-called "ritual abuse" trial, using recovered memories as evidence. This began with the celebrated McMartin case at Manhatten Beach and quickly spread over the land, every unscrupulous DA in the country trying to add one such case to his/her resume in much the same manner in which professional hunters like to have one elephant or one rhino on their resumes. All except Janet Reno, that is. She made a cottage industry out of sending people to prison for long periods of time for things which, not only had they not done, but which in fact had never happened at all.

Her most famous case, that of decorated Florida policeman Grant Snowden, has been overturned by a federal appeals court after Snowden spent 13 years in prison:


In the case of Bobby Fijnje, an innocent 14-year-old boy was held without bond for 18 months and tried as an adult for more crimes which never happened. The family was told that unless they copped a plea, Bobby would be in an adult prison population and would be dead from AIDS within two years. A jury found Bobby innocent on seven of seven charges. One of Reno's henchmen, asked what had gone wrong with the prosecution on which 3 million dollars of the Dade County taxpayers' money had been spent, replied that they hadn't spent enough money; new charges were being drawn up the same night and the Fijnje family fled to Holland. Fijnje's Father sent an incindiary letter to The NY Times upon learning of Reno's appointment to AG:


But the worst case of all was that of the Fusters:


Janet Reno's concern for children is undoubtedly what caused her to sign off on the Waco deal, in which a number of children were rescued from more imaginary sexual abuse by being firebombed (the firebombing was real and not imaginary), e.g.

Shari Doyle before being rescued from imaginary sexual abuse by Janet Reno

Shari Doyle after being rescued from imaginary sexual abuse by Janet Reno

I get the impression I must have led a sort of a sheltered childhood inasmuch as nobody ever tried to save me from being abused by firebombing me, thank God...
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2005 07:25 pm
Setanta wrote:
You know little of Gunga Din if you believe that shame ever motivates his whines and rants . . .

You guys talking about shame is maggot-gagging material. Talk about reasons for shame... I mean, if I'd ever voted for Slick KKKlinton, I'd be out there in the forest hiding under a rock somewhere until I died of old age and that would be every bit of it.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2005 07:32 pm
Well, if I had ever voted for Clinton I might give that half a thought. But probably not.

I get the impression I must have led a sort of a sheltered childhood inasmuch as nobody ever tried to save me from being abused by firebombing me, thank God...

But I'm sure you're all for saving people from dictatorship by firebombing. What's your angle here? Are you running for something? What's the obsession with Clinton and Reno?
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2005 08:24 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
Well, if I had ever voted for Clinton I might give that half a thought. But probably not.

I get the impression I must have led a sort of a sheltered childhood inasmuch as nobody ever tried to save me from being abused by firebombing me, thank God...

But I'm sure you're all for saving people from dictatorship by firebombing. What's your angle here? Are you running for something? What's the obsession with Clinton and Reno?

The obsession is not with the two psychopaths; it's with the rogue political party which went to the wall to keep them in power when the nature of the problem was known.
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Tue 13 Dec, 2005 09:43 pm
Its so nice that Gunga posts articles that completely contradict other articles he posted.

The one from Newsmax claims Eliana came back to the US before being pressured by Reno and INS. The first one Eliana in her interview states she never came back to the US but rather US officials went to Honduras. Which one is correct Gunga? Or are they both wrong? They certainly can't both be right.

Eliana is a nutcase. Newsmax articles are by a nutcase. Gunga's postings about Reno certainly leads me to questions about him.
0 Replies
Tue 13 Dec, 2005 11:31 pm
Sad. Like I say, there's an overwhelming body of evidence that Reno was using her office of Dade County DA as a vehicle for building a major political career via prosecutorial gangsteriism and the evidence involves several major cases and not just one. Other than that I have never seen any evidence of any real contradictions in any of Ileana Fuster's statements other than the obvious faux-contradiction involved in her thinking she had a clear way to make a statement and then Reno's people making motions like going after her again.


Denial is a psychological defense mechanism in which a person faced with a fact that is uncomfortable or painful to accept rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence. The subject may deny the reality of the unpleasant fact altogether (simple denial), admit the fact but deny its seriousness (minimisation) or admit both the fact and seriousness but deny responsibility (transference). The concept of denial is particularly important to the study of addiction.

The theory of denial was first researched seriously by Anna Freud. She classified denial as a mechanism of the immature mind, because it conflicts with the ability to learn from and cope with reality. Where denial occurs in mature minds, it is most often associated with death and dying. More recent research has significantly expanded the scope and utility of the concept. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross used denial as the first of five stages in the psychology of a dying patient, and the idea has been extended to include the reactions of survivors to news of a death. Thus, when parents are informed of the death of a child, their first reaction is often of the form, "No! You must have the wrong house, you can't mean our child!"

Unlike some other defense mechanisms postulated by psychoanalytic theory (for instance, repression), the general existence of denial is fairly easy to verify, even for non-specialists. On the other hand, denial is one of the most controversial defense mechanisms, since it can be easily used to create unfalsifiable theories: anything the subject says or does that appears to disprove the interpreter's theory is explained, not as evidence that the interpreter's theory is wrong, but as the subject's being "in denial".

A commonly-cited example of spurious denial is the psychologist who insists, against all evidence, that his patient is homosexual: any attempt by the patient to disprove the theory (as by pointing out his strong desire for women) is evidence of denial and thus evidence of the underlying theory. This tension can become serious, especially in areas such as child abuse and recovered memory. Proponents often respond to allegations of false memory by asserting that the subjects are genuine victims who have reverted to denial. Critics reply (some seriously, some less so) that it is the proponents who are in denial about the tenuousness of their theories.

The concept of denial is important in twelve-step programs, where the abandonment or reversal of denial forms the basis of the first, fourth, fifth, eighth and tenth steps. The ability to deny or minimize is an essential part of what enables an addict to continue his or her behavior in the face of evidence that, to an outsider, appears overwhelming. This is cited as one of the reasons that compulsion is seldom effective in treating addiction -- the habit of denial remains.

Understanding and avoiding denial is also important in the treatment of various diseases. The American Heart Association cites denial as a principal reason that treatment of a heart attack is delayed. Because the symptoms are so varied, and often have other potential explanations, the opportunity exists for the patient to deny the emergency, often with fatal consequences. It is common for patients to delay mammograms or other tests because of a fear of cancer, even though this is clearly maladaptive. It is the responsibility of the care team, and of the nursing staff in particular, to train at-risk patients to avoid such behavior.
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Wed 14 Dec, 2005 12:12 am
I can't believe I actually wasted the time to read this mess Evil or Very Mad
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Wed 14 Dec, 2005 11:40 am
I guess the basic point is that people who still vote for de-moker-rats for whatever reason should understand what it is about the rat party which turns most Americans off.

I mean, I can tolerate somebody being 20 degrees to the left of me politically easily enough; I'm to the left of most republicans on several kinds of issues myself. The thing I CAN'T tolerate about the rat party is the GANGSTERISM.
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Thu 15 Dec, 2005 06:54 am
parados wrote:
If you read the entire transcript this is one screwed up woman..

Then they started getting rough with me.

Rough how?

They were no longer coming to ask questions. They would pull me out of my cell in the middle of the night and take me out to restaurants.

God help those in Guantanimo if they get treated rough like this and taken to restaurants in the middle of the night.

The woman has told lies about her lies if you read the entire transcript. I wouldn't know what to believe of what she said. Did she lie on the stand? Possibly. Is she lying about how she was treated? possibly.

Certainly all the evidence hasn't been put before us, but one has to wonder, Parados, just why this woman is so screwed up. How old was she, not much more than a child, when she was put in prison for how long, with what seemed to be pretty damn poor support?

There's good reason, or at least some reason to suspect that authorities proceeded in less than good faith in more than one child abuse case. Again, the evidence isn't clear by any means, but somethings sure seem to stink.

To my mind, there's no need for a comparison to Guantanomo and this has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. Abuses of the system of justice occur and have occurred under all governments. They are equally pernicious under any government.

If the restaurant bit is true, it was at best, a highly devious police tactic, possibly an illegal one.

Could it be possible that the only "set of lies" are the ones that were coerced out of a very young and scared teenager?
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2005 07:31 am
JTT wrote:
parados wrote:

To my mind, there's no need for a comparison to Guantanomo and this has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. Abuses of the system of justice occur and have occurred under all governments.

Appointing somebody like Janet (the goalie) Reno to be AG of the United States is basically gangsterism.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2005 07:48 am
gungasnake wrote:
JTT wrote:

To my mind, there's no need for a comparison to Guantanomo and this has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. Abuses of the system of justice occur and have occurred under all governments.

Appointing somebody like Janet (the goalie) Reno to be AG of the United States is basically gangsterism.

Jesus H Keeeeerist, please show even a semblance of balance, Gunga. WTF were the appointments of all the shills in the current administration.

What's so pathetically sad here, in your case, is that this horrendous abuse of power, IF IF it happened that way, happened in YOUR country and you're using it for cheap political pandering. Absof**kinglutely unbelievable!
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2012 09:11 am
The evil which was Janet Reno...

More on these stories available recently, again one guy remains in prison in Flori-duh for **** which not only never happened but which isn't even physically possible:



...You can make a donation to Frank Fuster's defense by sending your contribution to:

The National Center for Reason and Justice
POB 191101
Roxbury MA 02119
With your donation, please include a note recommending a distribution to the Frank Fuster Defense Fund and indicating whether this will be a tax-deductible donation. As well as acting as a fiscal sponsor for such funds, the NCRJ educates the public about prisoners and defendants like Frank Fuster, who are falsely accused of crimes against children.

The NCRJ's Board of Directors distributes money in its Prisoner Legal Defense Fund by balancing the desires of the donors with the needs of their grantees. If you are making a tax-deductible donation, the NCRJ's Board of Directors will take your wishes into serious consideration, but they cannot promise you to deposit all of it in Frank Fuster's fund. If they did, the IRS would disallow your tax deduction for that donation. For more information on the tax laws governing such contributions, we recommend you consult your own accountant or attorney.

You may also make your contribution by credit card.

You can send Frank Fuster a message of support. His mailing address is:

Francisco Fuster-Escalona
Everglades Correctional Institution
POB 949000
Miami FL 33194-9000

You can also send Frank Fuster an email message of support.

This kind of **** gets into the area of why I despise the demoKKKrat party.
Wed 2 May, 2012 02:41 pm

This kind of **** gets into the area of why I despise the demoKKKrat party.

This kind of **** is why I despise people like you. You chose Janet Reno because she was a prominent democrat. There were a hundred people involved in this who were probably both republican and democrat. If he is innocent he will be released with a million bucks for reparation. You are so transparent that no one with any intellect pays attention to what you post.
Wed 2 May, 2012 03:43 pm

This kind of **** is why I despise people like you. You chose Janet Reno because she was a prominent democrat. There were a hundred people involved in this who were probably both republican and democrat.

Bullshit. Not only are all but one of two of the rogue DAs you read about demoKKKrats, but there's never been a case of a pubbie president picking a monster like this for AG of the United States. That may in fact be because no pubbie president has ever viewed his AG as "the goalie" previously or since.

In Reno's case, it wasn't just the one guy, Fuster's just the one who's still in prison. There were several such cases, the most horrible probably being that of Bobby Fijnje, and you should look the name up if you're not familiar with the story.
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2012 04:09 pm
The Country Walk case in Dade County, Florida was long considered a model for how to prosecute a multi-victim child sexual abuse case involving young children. In the past 10 years, however, a contrary view has emerged that the case was tainted by improper interviewing and was likely a false conviction. This is the first scholarly effort to assess the competing views of this case. Critics of this case advance three primary claims: (1) the positive STD test result from Frank Fuster's son was unreliable; (2) highly suggestive interviewing produced the children's claims; and (3) Frank Fuster's wife, Ileana, was coerced into testifying against her husband. On close examination, all three claims prove to be false.


Facts seem to elude you gunga...
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2012 05:35 pm
That's right, I still vote down any/all "facts(TM)" and any other sort of paradork/monkeyjerk **** unread. I'd do the same for Tokyo Rose, Axis Sally, or Joseph Goebbels....
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