Question about Pierced Ears

Reply Sun 11 Dec, 2005 11:54 pm
Hi all, I apologize in advance if this is the wrong place to post this...

I have a problem/question about pierced ears...

so i recently got my ears pierced (on the ear lobe)...about 4 weeks ago...i took them out today to clean them because my left ear was a lil hurting...

so i take it out and saw that i got some dirty stuff stuck in my ears...but i don't think it's infected.

the thing is when i try to re-insert the earrings, i couldn't do it...maybe because i was inexperienced or what i don't know, but either way, i can't find the back hole where i can push the whole earring in and then i pushed a little too hard and it started to bleed, so i took it out again...*sigh*

so my question is ...for all you intelligent and experienced earring wearers...

1) should i leave earrings out for awhile? (since it bled?)
2) if i leave it out, how long does it take for my ear to close?
3) if i try to put earrings in again in a couple of hours, is that bad? will my ears get infected?

so if you or your kid had this problem before and want to offer some advice, please help! thanks!

also, if i can get some advice on how to put in the earring, that would be great too. =)

thanks again
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Type: Discussion • Score: 17 • Views: 103,732 • Replies: 34
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Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:23 am
Newly pierced earlobes need to be cleaned often (read: 1-2x day) for the first few weeks. Use a bit of hydrogen peroxide on a Q-tip. Then follow with a dab of Neosporin or any antibiotic cream. That will help it to heal without scarring and will also keep it from getting infected. Do this until you are sure it is completely healed.

Same regimen if you notice bleeding or oozing or pain anytime after that.

Don't leave the earrings out for more than a day or two or the hole will start to close.

The antibiotic cream will also make it MUCH easier to insert the earring posts!

You ARE wearing lightweight earrings with posts, not heavy dangly ones...right? Save those for when you're absolutely sure your ears are completely healed (and not too often then.)

Try this and let me know if it helps, okay?
Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 12:30 am
Hi thanks for your reply!

yea i think it's cuz since i've gotten it pierced 4 weeks ago, i havent removed it once...so maybe i didn't clean it as well as i should have

so you think i should it out for many 12 hours? should i try to put in the earring again after that?

thanks a lot!
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Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2005 07:16 am
There's also such a thing as a nickel allergy -- it often only comes out if you get your ears pierced.

Since you need to leave new earrings in after piercing, don't worry about them right now, but it's possible that you'll need purer gold - as in 18 karat (yeah, I know it's expensive). Ask your doctor about a possible nickel allergy. It's no rush, just if you think of it at your next appointment. Nickel allergies are not too common. They manifest as infected earlobes, itchy sides of the fingers (I had this on only one finger, so my doctor was baffled for a couple of months) and sometimes also itchy bottoms of feet. It's treated by diet, and staying away from wearing nickel as much as possible.
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Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2005 10:20 pm
Re: Question about Pierced Ears
werthn wrote:

the thing is when i try to re-insert the earrings, i couldn't do it...maybe because i was inexperienced or what i don't know, but either way, i can't find the back hole where i can push the whole earring in and then i pushed a little too hard and it started to bleed, so i took it out again...*sigh*

After you clean your ear (Eva's already told you how)...re-insert your earring. It's best you use a earring with a "screw" on the back side. Earrings that you need to press to fasten them on are painful when your hole is newly pierced and may hurt your ear.

And it's best you wear gold at least for six months.

Leaving your ears without earrings for 12 hours should be fine.... We Indians use a thin "neem" stick in the night instead of earrings. Neem or Azadirachta indica is a disinfectant and helps the healing....I dont know if you can get neem sticks in the US...
Anyway, gold earings should not be much of a problem.
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Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2005 10:22 pm
If you have problems find the back side of the hole find the back hole first and push the earring from the back side so that it comes out of the front side...move the earring a bit in and out...and then put it back on the right way, thru the front side...(yeesh this doesnt sound intelligible)...hope this helps
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Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2005 09:32 am
hi all! thanks for all the great advice!

i did get the earring back into the ear, not on my own tho...hehe. My friend kinda re-poked it for me (forcefully) i guess. But at least it's in, and it has stopped being red and painful, as a matter of fact, i've even stopped thinking too much about it. so i guess that's good.

So much for my hope of being able to wear pretty earrings for xmas. *sigh*

So chinmayee, you said, i should leave the earrings in for 6 months? Is that what the time line should be because the lady who pierced my ears said i should be fine in 4 weeks..haha, and look what happened when i took it out in 4 weeks.
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Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2005 09:38 am
Good grief. I had my ears pierced when I was a kid....................Four times. I kept getting infections in them, and the holes would close. The idea of peroxide and Neosporin is excellent.

Now, many years later, I leave gold earrings in my ears constantly. I simply change the style of the earring as needed.
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Bella Dea
Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2005 09:56 am
Try ones made for sensitive ears. The hypoallergenic kind. You can get them pretty cheap. Some people just have trouble with metal shoved into their skin.
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Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2005 10:27 am
I now have 11 piercings in my ears... 8 in my right ear and 3 in the left.....

Since it is on the lower part, it shouldn't close up all that fast, it may get that little layer of skin you have to poke through, but it should be fine... thus the reason it may have bled.

I have had mine peirced for along time and still sometimes my ear will get sore and or infected... so I leave all my peircing in for at least 3 or 4 months straight, only taking them out for a minute or so to clean
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Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2005 07:19 pm
Why not go down to a respected piercing shop and get them to look at your lobes? That is your best source of information (if they are a serious about what they do).

Did you get your piercings with a gun? If so, you are more likely to encounter problems because those things are brutal.

Put in sleepers. I will go against what has been recommended here and say DO NOT WEAR A STUD when you are healing. It does not allow for the proper room for swelling. It can cause infection and scarring. Ouch!

Are your earrings made of medical standard (implant grade) surgical steel? This is what they use in many piercing shops now. The nickel and carbon content in surgical steel is unlikely to cause allergic reactions while plated or 'hypoallergenic' metals, including gold jewelry, can cause problems.

When I got my piercings, I used tea tree oil soap. That's it. Keep it clean and don't touch it all the time.

Merry Christmas. Very Happy
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Reply Thu 22 Dec, 2005 04:06 am
werthn wrote:

So chinmayee, you said, i should leave the earrings in for 6 months? Is that what the time line should be because the lady who pierced my ears said i should be fine in 4 weeks..haha, and look what happened when i took it out in 4 weeks.

NO, you got to clean them periodically.....as Eva has suggested...or with any disinfectant. You cannot leave your earrings on without cleaning them..gold earrings have worked well for me...(Also, we wear 22 carat gold in India not 18 carat gold)
But even gold can cause problems, flushd says.

Healing time varies between people i guess, my ear hole healed in a month - my friend's took about 8 months.....take care.
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Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2006 07:32 pm
sakhi wrote:

Healing time varies between people i guess, my ear hole healed in a month - my friend's took about 8 months.....take care.

It's been about 10 weeks since I've got it pierced and the other day, I wanted to take out my earrings to clean my ear. I pulled and pulled (safety earring) and the earring would not come out. And then i guess the pressure made my ear lobe bleed. I stopped pulling, cleaned up the blood, and the earring is still in my ear. *sigh*
Reply Sat 10 Feb, 2007 03:24 pm
ear bled when I took earings in after 6 weeks
hi there,

I am a 31 one year old female who already has her ears peiced on her ear lobes. I had another whole put a bit above the first whole on both ears on Boxing day which means it's been nearly 2 months. For the first two weeks they were really sore I kept cleaning them until I could get to the doctors who said they were a bit infected. He gave me antibiotics which helped. I kept cleaning them 3 times a day and then recently they have started to get sore again. I thought well it's been more than 6 weeks so I can take them out to clean. I did that and they were really sore and bleeding.

I phoned a pharamasist at a local drug store and he said to try benzole Paraocoxide (sp?) and clean them and put them back in and keep using it. well I was not sure about this so I called the place I got my ears pierced at (Claires Accessories) and the lady asked me what kind of earing I had and I said 14 carrot gold which I was told was the best kind to use and she aggreed. I wondered if I should just forget it and just let the whole close up, may be my body doesn't like the other hole in it. She said to put them back and keep cleaning them with the antiseptic solution. I mentioned the pharmasist said to use BP and she said no way cause it will just dry them out making the hole worse. She said it took her a good year before her ears were completely healed. Some people just take longer to heal she says. I remember when I was 10 and had my lobes pierced they got really sore and infected and I had to let it grow over. A year late I got it done and it was fine. Once in a while even those get sore but now I only buy the earings for sensitive ears.

Anyone here had this experience? Did your ears get better? Let me know!

I will just see how it goes and do as she says. If it gets bad in the next month I will go to the doctors and if all else fails just take the earring out and let the hole close up. It looks really nice with two holes but it's not worth it if they are just going to keep being sore.

Thanks to all that reply I appreciate it!
Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 01:47 pm
ear piercing
I believe I took my earrings out a little too early? I put in a different pair of earrings for the day, and put the posts back in at bedtime. I did the same thing the day after, different earrings for the day, took them out before bed but i fell asleep on the couch...and didn't put the posts back in. I have one post back in my ear, but on the other side I'm having trouble getting the post back in. The same thing happened to me, it bled a little so I stopped!

I have been loading it up with antispetic all afternoon. It doesn't hurt. There is a small bump/lumb on my earlobe, however, and it's not really unusual to me, because I usually have a lump on my earlobes. However, i felt as though that it was abstructing my path of getting my post through. It's been a couple of hours and I haven't been tugging on my ear trying to get the post in, so it seems to be cooling off.

Should I just have someone poke through the backside for me?
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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2008 01:07 pm
Ear piercing
1) should i leave earrings out for awhile? (since it bled?)
2) if i leave it out, how long does it take for my ear to close?
3) if i try to put earrings in again in a couple of hours, is that bad? will my ears get infected?

I have seven piercings in my ear, 5 in my left and two stretched in my right.

I never cleaned any of my piercings after my first two in my ear (thats incl my tongue, lip and nose).

If you leave them out after you've only had them done 4 weeks then they will close over in a short period of time. You will find after a few hours the back will have already started to close over. If you try and put them in again it's not bad, it might just hurt abit.

You couldn't find the hole at the back because the skin hadn't closed over inside the ear (leaving a tunnel - if you know what I mean by this) e.g. it is still an open wound. Just force it through and in future just take the back off the earing to clean it.
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Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2008 05:58 pm

I had my ears pierced quite a few years ago. When my ears were pierced
they put studs in that I was to wear for six weeks I think. Each day I was to turn the studs and clean my ears with peroxide and use an antibodic cream. I don't remember ever taking them out for a period of time during that six weeks. Later I become alergic to some earrings so now I can only wear 10 or 14 carot Gold.
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anthony 6799
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2010 05:03 pm
if you got your ear per icing how longing do you leave it in for .
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anthony 6799
Reply Tue 26 Jan, 2010 05:05 pm
if you had your ear pericing and when can you take it out for
and do you take it out when you go to bed .
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 May, 2010 01:59 pm
Hi kath31
I ,like you, am having the same problem. My initial ear piercings were made back when I was a young lady in my early 20's. I am now 47 years old. the first holes ripped due the fact they were placed too low on the lobes. So I decided to get my ears pierced again this time using the gun. They were done at the Claires boutique in a mall in Dallas, TX. I have never, that I am aware of, experienced problems with piercings like I am now. The right ear is doing well but the left ear gives me the blues. I am 8 months out and I am still experiencing pain, bleeding and pus on occasion. I have tried neosporin, alcohol, peroxide, the bottle of antispetic given from Claire's after piercings are done. I can't explain it. The first time my ears were pierced, I did them using self-piercing earrings. To me that wasn't as painful as the new piercings (the one on the left side). I will try to let them stay in and see what happens. I hate wearing clip-on's. There is not a great selection for that kind. I will keep you posted. Good luck with yours !!!

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