@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:Think of God not as a "person" but as a "Law of the Universe" that holds everything together in perfect harmony. But if that law is broken by naughty humans, (such as by Eve disobeying God and eating that fruit) that natural harmony is disrupted and bad things happen.
If God is the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, God does not operate at such intra-personal relations. This is as if when you are treating an ant nest to deal with the ants personally - which ant has stolen the grain from which and to reward 'the good ones' and to punish 'the bad ones'. The general idea of the Word of God is operating at much higher level.
Actually the texts of the Bible are not homogeneous. If all of them are the Word of God they should be homogeneous - the concepts and inferences there should match at any level of complexity and analysis: the IQ of the writer of one section should match the IQ of the writer of another section (within the statistical error) if these texts are dictated to the prophets by one and the same intelligent being; the level of generalization of one text should match the level of generalization of the other text; the attitude to the world should be one and the same in both of the texts; the 'style' of the Word of God should be one and the same throughout the whole Bible, etc.
The science dealing with this is called stylometry, and the tests should prove authorship of God over all the texts in the Bible presented to be the Word of God.
There are also some other techniques of analyzing texts for evidence of authenticity, like for example:
- the invariants in 'the Word of God';
- frequency of function words used by the Writer (God that speaks through the prophets);
- principle component analysis
- the genetic algorithms, used in AI, etc.
The genetic algorithm comprises a set of rules to be applied as verification test for comparison of two texts for authenticity, like for example:
- IF donkey is mentioned at least once in the text THEN this text most probably is NOT the Word of God;
- IF any action (or inaction) in the text is grounded on aspirations for money and power THEN this text most probably is NOT the Word of God;
- IF the level of generalization drops below the minimal allowable margin THEN this text most probably is NOT the Word of God;
- IF any text shows evidences of selfish and personal gains THEN this text most probably is NOT the Word of God, etc.