@cicerone imposter,
You guys have to accept the existence of a creator God in order to write the driveling nonsense you do. I explained it above. What else do you want?
It was standard practice at the time for court scribes to concoct a genealogy for kings and pharoahs and suchlike which showed them having descended from the gods. Caesar did it.
Everybody knew it was faked up except you silly sods. They pretended it wasn't faked to avoid being thrown to the lions or into the stone crusher. It was no skin off their noses.
Like Obarmy being the 44th president connects him to the Foolish Fatheads.
Can't you see that if there is a long genealogy it shows there has been a long history of orderly sexual relations. Which defines blue blood and, as such, is an example we should all try to emulate.
Try 6000 years of disorderly sexual relations. Or 2 million. See where that gets you.
Sex was divine you see so the whole shooting match is obviously divinely inspired. And to make the most of it it has to be orderly. (see Electrical Suppliers Wholesale Warehouse which shows what we can do with "dirt").