Have you met my alter ego friend, Joe Sixpack? He is the quintessential common man.
Together, he and I have concluded that, if there is a God similar to the one described in the bible, then he would, of necessity make his personality, purpose, and instructions clearly understandable to the unlettered and ordinary.
We could be wrong about this.
a] There may not even be a God.
b] Or if there is a God, then he would be knowable only to a select few, a priesthood.
We have seen the 'sociopathic events' associated with the latter proposition. If it were true, I would certainly hope there not to be a God at all.
I am left, IMHO, assuming that if God exists, the truth would be evident to Joe. And then, perhaps with additional effort, he might be understandable to smart folks like youse guys. :wink:
I see that, while formulating this response, wandel has offered proposition 'b' above.
I shall maintain my signature so nearly identical to the one used by apatheist Phoenix: "Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." Ayn Rand
BTW, Joe makes the best barbecue ribs in Snohomish County, maybe the world. You should come over some time and pop a few with us. In the past, many on the board have taken us up on the invitation and have even sent recipes (which we use) in their posts.