Ok, I am going to attempt to reply to each of these posts. I will do them one at a time. I'm fitting them in between fixing supper and cleaning my kitchen.
Green Witch Wrote:
Quote:Momma that is the very reason why church and state should be separate - if they are separate government cannot make it illegal to worship as you chose.
When gov't is involved you end up with groups like the Taliban or the Soviet Communist party telling to you how to worship, or if you even can worship. Freedom of religion equals freedom from government interference- which equals keeping religion out of government.
We already have the freedom to worship as we choose. Everyone of us has that freedom. So, are we to go tear down every public/government building that has some sort of Biblical carving, etc.? I can agree with separation of church and state to a certain degree. I cannot agree to it when it conflicts with the laws of God. So, we have in place a system where we can lobby to change laws the way we think they should be. However these laws end up being is how it is. I don't have to agree with them but I do have to abide by them.
I don't think there can ever be 100% separation of church and state. Everyone votes their conscience, their ethics, their morals, their religious beliefs, etc. How can you have complete separation of church and state if even one person votes because of their religious beliefs? You can't expect those with religious beliefs to cast them aside.
Yes, God is mentioned in The Pledge of Allegiance, or on the money, as in God We Trust. But, that is not religion in my view. Maybe it is in others. I have said before that I can agree to certain things when it comes to this and to other things I can't and won't.
And, as far as someday it being illegal to worship God? Yes, it will happen. There will be a one world government and a one world religion. I believe that with all my heart. And that one world religion is not going to be based on Christianity. That is my belief and I in no way expect anyone to accept it as their own.