danon5 wrote:Ah, Stradee, the memories you are bringing back. Monterey - at Fort Ord - where I attended the Advanced Infantry Training course in Spring 1967. At that time my older brother who had joined the US Airforce and became an officer was stationed at Hamilton (??) AFB and lived off base in Sausalito, just across the Golden Gate bridge from San Francisco. I spent some of my weekends up there and really fell in love with the area.. After many many visits later on my last trip to the area - Patti and I revisited the Village Fair in Sausalito and saw a concrete rabbit that we felt we just couldn't live without. So, after purchasing the rabbit and finally getting it back home - we named it "Sausalito Jack the Village Fair Hare".
It is now sitting on the front step of our home here in NE TX.
My sib and I visited Sausalito when we visited the Marine Mammal Hospital center located in Marin <the very first turn after crossing the Golden Gate> where mammals injured from shootings, boats, or other hazzards are rescued by the staff, rehabilitated, then re-released to the wild again. We learned how the animals are fed, toured the hospital, then at the end of the tour gathered in an outdoor meeting area where staff demonstrated how the animals are rescued, etc. and were introduced to the people who patrol the coast in search of injured sea mammals. A must see tour if you and Pattie have occasion for visiting the bay area again.
Sausalito was our lunch stop for the day, and the place still wonderful - shops to die for <did you purchase Jack at the "Spirit In Stone" gallery?> and replacing resident houseboats are yachts! Cannot believe how much the place has changed in just a few years <well 25, but whos countin' <grin> - and if one can find a place to park - the restaurants are still noteworthy in design - waterfront tables - and dining at Ondine. What a good day! Fond memories.
Monterey must be the best place on earth for SCUBA. From Canary Row <now the Monterey Bay Aquarium> and the Coast Highway - plenty of great places for swimming, whale watching and exploring. Canary Row is where I saw whales and sea otters up close and personal. Sea Otters are the most curious and adorable sea animals on the planet! There I was, just having surfaced for a looksee of where the heck i was, when out of the water <and three inches from my face> a sea otter said "howdy". I said "yikes" then 'howdy' then the little critter took off...me all "what just happened"? My diving partner, just a few feet away, laughing at the expression on my face. I did get a good laugh from his expression when we encountered a whale that decided to investigate the silly humans dressed like seals though.
Gosh, talk about memories!