aktbird57 - You and your 284 friends have supported 2,128,980.3 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 85,121.7 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 284 friends have supported: (85,121.7)
American Prairie habitat supported: 43,889.6 square feet.
You have supported: (11,002.6)
Your 284 friends have supported: (32,887.0)
Rainforest habitat supported: 1,999,969.0 square feet.
You have supported: (166,927.8)
Your 284 friends have supported: (1,833,041.2)
1 Aktbird57 .. 1300 48.875 acres
pwayfarer - my current avatar is/are(?) my father (hamburger) and me at Christmas nearly 50 years ago