Few more puns ....
1. If a wolf can take down a deer from either flank, does that make him bambidextrous?
2. I took my garbage out to give it to the trash collectors, but I found I'd missed them -- they'd already bin and gone
3. He had won every award and received every possible accolade: he was simply the best scarecrow ever. He truly was out standing in his field.
4. Zebra crossings should be banned... Zebras never cross them anyways.
5. Resistance may be futile, but capacitance has potential
6. A deoderant factory owner must always smell nice.
7. How is it that fast food is so popular? .............. I thought you're not supposed to eat when you're fasting.
8. The cattle were all fast asleep, so we had to move them with a Bull-
9. Birthday candles are for people who want to make light of their age.
10. When a whale dies, all the other whales sing a song... It goes "Whale meat again...."