The versatile invalid (nods to Noddy) has another trick up her sleeve. Sleep apnea.
The last several (~5?) days when I've woken her up for the day she's been doing this weird breathing that I didn't like but which seems within the range of snoring, and she and I are both congested from what are probably seasonal allergies. (What we call "dry stuffy," with swelling rather than mucus being the main problem.) Yesterday morning before I woke her up I had E.G. check her out to see what he thought and also to see what she sounded like. He reported but wasn't clear about something/ I didn't understand him correctly -- it wasn't until he reiterated last night that I realized he was saying that he saw her breathing become progressively more shallow until it
stopped, then suddenly resumed with a big intake of breath.
This freaked me out. I had been reading about sleep apnea anyway because I've been researching adenoids and sleep apnea is a frequent symptom. (NOT one that, as far as I know, she's had thus far but I'll come back to that.) What I read was reassuring in terms of it being freaky and not good for you long-term, but also not as bad as it looks, since backup systems kick in if not enough oxygen is getting through. She breathes fine when she is awake, no issues at all, played a soccer game on Sunday and did great.
Our bedroom is fairly far from hers and E.G. can't usually hear what's going on. He listened in after we put her to bed and what he heard was not good. He said it sounded like she was breathing through a straw, a sort of whistling, when she inhaled. Exhalations were fine. Then other varieties of weird stuff, including but not limited to "cartoon snoring." (That was one of the more reassuring ones, breathing was regular.)
E.G. and I kept trying to reassure each other but what I kept coming back to -- and he agreed with -- was that we were basing our reassurances on some incidental reading about sleep apnea, which
seemed to fit but the stakes seemed too high. We're not doctors, we don't know what other things might fit these symptoms. He agreed, and called the doctor.
The doc agreed that it was sleep apnea. He knew we had an appt. to discuss tubes and adenoidectomy and said something about this "speeding our decision." He also talked about having her tonsils out. (Large adenoids = blocked nose, large tonsils = blocked throat, both = not good.) He said several times that she won't stop breathing (the whole backup system thing) and that it's unpleasant but ultimately not that big of a deal. And that tonsillectomy/ adenoidectomy would fix it. But that we didn't have to do it
immediately or anything.
Now, some of the things I'm trying to figure out.
Whatever this is, it seems new to me. We looked in her throat last night and the tonsils seemed bigger than usual. We don't have anything to compare to per se but it didn't seem "right."
She has been especially sleepy lately, even with what seems like "enough" sleep -- that is, she gets 10 hours, which usually is plenty, but acts like she gets far less sleep. That's unusual. (Most of the time she is fine with a total amount of sleep that is on the low end of the range recommended for her age.) Yesterday she took a nap after she got home from school, which she hasn't done since she was, like, 2.
One thing I'm certain of is that the bad gaspy breathing I noticed in the morning is new. I don't think she's ever had that before, E.G. thought she might have done that sometimes when she was sick, when she was much littler. At any rate, it's
not an everyday occurrence.
I'm wondering if perhaps she's had an enlarged adenoid throughout which has contributed to various problems, and right now she has some sort of issue with her tonsils, like tonsillitis, on top of that.
I also wondered if it might be an allergy sort of reaction. (She breathes fine when she's awake, though.) Just in terms of the swelling.
I'm just kind of downloading right now, noting details when they're fresh, and not sure what my next step will be. The doctor last night didn't seem to think anything was necessary right away. My appt. with the ENT is at the end of the month.
I think I'll contact the ENT and go from there.