I agree,also. Kas is a fully grown adult and makes his own deliberate choices about what to say and do. He knows what he did and said is
Which is probably why he hasn't been back to defend himself...I mean, what can he defend? That he's a racist?
our wishes have come true and he was banned.
who knows
but , no matter his intentions,
wishing someones daughter to be raped is just bulsht.
Shewolfnm, I agree.

That was a really gag-making thing to say. I was wondering today,if he'd been banned.
Well, if he wasn't, he should be. I don't think that I have ever seen a member of A2K will the level of venom and hatred that he has. I think that he has some major league emotional problems, unless he is a troll, and is getting his "jollies" by ticking people off. Then he still has problems, but they are of another sort.
Still, its the spit and venom I was taking issue with. A non-American using the words negro or black didn't offend me nearly to the level of the rest of it. But then I'm not a person of color so I don't judge the offense taken by others.
Linda, I'm not sure I agree with you about knowing what he said and did was wrong. Let me be perfectly clear, there is no doubt in my, yours, and everyone else's minds here, that what he said and did was wrong. BUT, I don't believe anyone is born a bigot, nor do I believe anyone is born full of hatred and anger. Those are learned behaviors and traits, and as such, with time, desire, and patience they can be unlearned. In some families or even entire societies hatred and bigotry are spoon-fed into a being from the time they are born.
Confronting hatred and anger with hatred and anger doesn't change anything. He's apparently in a cultural situation where numerous ethnic groups spend all their energies trying to out-hate each other. It never changes (look at the Middle East in general as an example). It is my honest belief that only through dialogue without rancor can there be any hope of cracking through the armour of hatred. Hate the sin, love the sinner, if you will. The first principle of my faith is to honor the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. That doesn't mean I blindly accept behaviors that are unacceptable, but it does mean that I acknowledge an innocent is buried inside him somewhere. I prefer to converse with that part of him that hasn't yet been manipulated.
I said above that desire is one of the components of change. I doubt Kasaova has the desire, but it doesn't mean that he can't begin to listen to meaningful dialogue about why he feels the way he does and what he was looking for when he posted his post. I'd much rather spend my energies trying to talk sensibly to him to help him define where his feelings come from than blast away at his blasts.
I'd still like to know what happened to him *personally* to foster these feelings and what his purpose was in starting this thread. If he hates because those around him hate and he can acknowledge it, then perhaps he begin to see alternative ways to expend his passions.
Negro Riot.....
J_B: I consider myself a Christian,and do believe the idea of "hate the sin/love the sinner",but in the case of Kasaova,I don't see him as being anybody's victim,or influenced by anyone or anything. As an adult,he should be able to admit that he chooses to feel negatively about others.Anyone with a college degree,has been exposed to enough of the world to know that all races should be respected. I won't even begin to discuss the ugly word he used that pertains to homosexuals. What also bothers me is his coming on-line and using words and descriptions that are rude,and that he risked offending those he hardly knew.
P.S.: At least Kas provoked a lively discussion !!!
lindatw wrote:Roger and Lash: May be it is an ok phrase,but surely there are better words.
I can't understand why this comment was made.
I had no idea what the word (Desi) meant and asked. If I'm not wildly mistaken, Rog's response was sarcastic.
Incidentally, there is nothing wrong with using the word "Negro." Aren't Negro, Caucasian and Mongoloid still the three main divisions of human, or has political correctness changed that? I think some people just tried to revoke that racist guy's use of the word because of his sentiments.
Does anyone have reference to the street war thing that he was so worked up about? It appears that an Indian person allegedly raped a black woman, and black men have taken offense and threatened to attack Indian men, and the racist guy is relieving himself by making abusive statements about black women. Does anyone know about this?
The way Kas was talking,he made most everything he said sound derogatory.
There was a link in his first post.
Two people had been killed at that point, one from each "side", apparently. I don't know the latest (now I want to go find out...)
Here's another article, but doesn't seem to actually contain much more info:
Thanks, soz.
It is weird. The link in the first post is one of the poorest written news articles I've ever read. Very little clear info.
But, thanks. I should've looked before I asked.
Is the word "negro" considered offensive in Britain?
Here's another article on the 30-year history of racial problems in that city.
Good link J_B that certainly helps me understand this situation a lot better.
Lash wrote:lindatw wrote:Roger and Lash: May be it is an ok phrase,but surely there are better words.
I can't understand why this comment was made.
I had no idea what the word (Desi) meant and asked. If I'm not wildly mistaken, Rog's response was sarcastic.
Incidentally, there is nothing wrong with using the word "Negro." Aren't Negro, Caucasian and Mongoloid still the three main divisions of human, or has political correctness changed that? I think some people just tried to revoke that racist guy's use of the word because of his sentiments.
Does anyone have reference to the street war thing that he was so worked up about? It appears that an Indian person allegedly raped a black woman, and black men have taken offense and threatened to attack Indian men, and the racist guy is relieving himself by making abusive statements about black women. Does anyone know about this?
If you seriously don't know, and want to guage the "correctness", political or otherwise (like maybe just plain old damn common sense correctness), why don't you just walk up to the first group of blacks you see and ask "How you Negros doing today?" I'm pretty confidant the reaction should settle for you any doubt about whether it's still a part of any thinking person's lexicon.
Ok, I'll stand up and say I didn't know negro was actually a bad word. I thought it had been supplanted, thought better of, but was not just Bad.
I thought african american supplanted negro, and then black supplanted african american. Then I lost track.
I'd rather not say nothing. That seems worse re irrelativating someone.
I always reckon you can find out from a university what's acceptable within a given society.
Quote:Afro/Caribbean or Afro-Caribbean
This is preferable to 'West Indian'.
This term is used to describe people from the continent of Asia, particularly those from the sub-continent of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It shouldn't be used for people of Asian origin who are British citizens.
This should not be used as a short term for all non-white people. Many people of Asian or Chinese origin object to being described as 'black'.
British Asians
The term for people of Asian origin who are British citizens.
An outdated term. There are better alternatives available.
A dated term, now largely unacceptable. In the USA, African American is a better alternative
That's a British site. I'll take that as being an authority.
Oh my.
I am sorry I asked.
Look, the progenitor of this thread is either a nutty troll, or a sad bastid, and is offensive and all that.
I asked re negro only because I was ...absolutely separately from the obvious awfulness of the troll/sad bastid...curious about when the word transmogrified.