revel wrote:Tico, I have my weaknesses, for some reason I always rise to bait when it involves clinton.
But I have a question for you and costal rat or anyone else. Do ya'll seriously think Clinton deserved to be impeached and should have been forced to step down as President for what he did? And do you think what he did in any way compares with this whole CIA debacle?
Ok Revel, I'll step to the plate on this one. Yes, I seriously think Clinton deserved to be impeached and forced to step down. He committed perjury, was found to be in contempt of court, received sexual favors in his office, etc. I never ever could have cared less if he were screwing 50 different women, so long as it was on his time and in the personal living quarters of the White House. Had that only been the case, then I would not have given a rip about it.
Unlike some, I don't believe that there are degrees of criminal activity that would make some ok to overlook while others should not be overlooked. Otherwise, you get the situation we have here. Who decides what criminal activity is to be overlooked in an official and what is to be inappropriate and punishable? It basically would come down to which party is in the majority at the time. And that is wrong. Clinton broke the law and in my view is no different than someone from the Bush admin. who may have broken the law. I don't want any of them representing me in our government.
As to your second question, is what he did comparable to this CIA debacle? Only as regards the breaking of laws. It would be stupid of me to say that lying about sex is comparable in all aspects to what is being looked at now, simply because the ramifications are more serious in the current situation. The situations are only comparable in that in both cases it appears laws were broken, thus in both cases I would desire the same thing, the ouster of the person who flaunted and broke the law. The political reality of both cases may not result in what I would desire and what I believe the American people deserve, but it does not alter my opinion in any way.
I hope this helps. Unlike some, I don't get into demonizing Clinton for his foibles. He was just one more in a long line of politicians who could not keep his pants zippered up. Nor will I demonize Bush for personal idiosyncrises that others here like to make fun of. I condemn Clinton for making a mockery of our laws and of the office of President and will do the same for Bush or anyone else in this administration who does likewise (ie possibly DeLay, if the indictment sticks, or even if it doesn't if it appears he broke laws, whether he can ever be convicted of it or not).