XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
It makes no difference to you FBM...You just have no desire to admit this is true...
Admit what? That theists have been murdering people for centuries for their disbelief and are still doing so today? That they murder women and teenagers for not following their religious laws exactly? That they punish women for getting raped and let the rapist walk free because he's a man? Etc, etc
ad nauseum...
Quote:If it actually bothered you to hear religious preach things in your face...and spread the delusion that you claimed they do...Or the evil actions we know exist (though I deny they actually are believers)...then you would be willing to preach how religion is wrong...and what theists would be buying into in rejecting God, and embracing atheism...Just like the patron saints of a nation had done to spread the words of God and were persecuted till death...(look up the patron saints of China) since you like to post what Christians or theists do to doubters or other religious....
Are these the same patron saints who spread the Good Word at the point of a sword? Or have you forgotten about them?
Quote:But you do nothing at all...
You sit there fat and happy and are not on the front lines doing anything different than any other doubter to stop these theists you claim are so wrong...
Silly person, I'm not fat.

Spreading awareness of the despicable acts carried out by theists in the name of their imaginary gods is doing something to help stop them. What do you want me to do, fly a jet into a building or something?
Quote:If you reject theism's whos mission is it to try to stop theists? Theists? Then theisms are still correct, and immoral theists are not theists at all...
Ah, the No True Scotsman fallacy.
I don't see why the mission to stop the spread of bad ideas should be the privileged domain of people who agree with those bad ideas. Theists stopping theists?
This thread was started as an insult to atheists. That's why I post here. I don't go around knocking on people's doors and trying to turn them into atheists. I respect people too much to do that. Wish I could say the same for the theists who keep knocking on my door and trying to sell me their bullshit ideas.
Quote:I do not do anything amazing myself....but I do explain to everyone, even theists how much of a journey, and how hard it is going to be to actually be in peace one day....and how long and arduous of a process this is going to be...
It's not easy, is it? One thing that has helped me immensely has been getting ancient religious myths out of my worldview. I've been much happier since then.