This is why I am here, and the root of all atheistic hypocrisy right here...It is superiority complexities, smug, bullshit and unfounded...but to be completely honest...I think that most atheists do not even realize they do it...and I am still tweaking ways to present this to them...
Quote:44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...
Edit: KJV:...
Matthew 5:44
King James Version (KJV)
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you
You do not have beliefs, or you reject beliefs, or do not have beliefs in God....Or you do not believe in Gods...Stop preaching to me and other believers what you think we must do in order to be faithful...You sanctimonious hypocrite! You either think this is true because you believe it, and practice it...You either believe this and do not practice it...(an admittance of either, and I will retract) You either do not believe or reject that this passage is truthful, though you preach it to me...So if you do not believe or reject it, then I do not want to hear you preach something to me you think I should be doing but do not do yourself...You either have no idea if this passage is truthful...and since I follow this faith, I will explain what I believe is true, and then it should help you decide...Or you know why you believe it is...and if you can explain to me how this is so...then I will accept that you are correct and do it, because I can trust you...I will not trust someone who says that they do not believe, listens to my beliefs, and explains how they "honesty" think they can improve "my beliefs" unless they want to explain why they "believe this" rather than reject this...
Quote:I see you called on atheists' "superior shite." Doesn't sound much like Matt 5:44's advice to me.
I do not really care what it sounds like to you...honestly...unless you are willing to be honest and tell me why you believe that there is validity to that passage because you believe it, and embrace or follow it? Other then that...I am not obligated or compelled to make sure I make time for the spirit of God to hear this preached directly to it, while it already knows this...and where it once came from...hypocrites...Tell me something that you believe this Spirit may not know...and explain why you do...My objective is to please the Spirit of God...not meet FBM's personal goal of acceptance...especially since he would like to judge my faith upon something he does not believe or rejects...