spendius wrote:
The question was, FB, whether you were maintaining that hypocrisy and atrocity are the monopoly preserve of the religious.
I clearly stated that hypocrisy is widespread throughout humanity, not monopolized by theists. But that doesn't excuse the theist manifestations, does it? It simply illuminates them.
Quote:I think you are merely using these pejorative words in the service of justifying your rejection of Christian morality.
Who said I reject Christian morality? I rather like compassion, generosity, forbearance and the like. I'm just pointing out how rare it is to find those qualities among Christians themselves. Instead, I more often get Christians spewing hatred and condemnation on me for not believing in their preferred supernatural deity instead of remembering what Matthew 5:44 demanded of them.
Quote:What would the world, your world, be like with no hypocrisy and no atrocity?
Honest and peaceful?
Quote:Making pointless noises off does not mean we haven't noticed your reticence to answer such questions.
Where have I refused to answer any question?
Quote:What we would like is for you to treat us like grown ups and stop using cheap tricks which we all became familiar with at an early age.
Pointing out hypocrisy and offering evidence is a cheap trick? Seriously?
Quote:Do you think the Christian religion was a mistake and that it should be extirpated forthwith, along with all its works, as many communists think?
What does communism have to do with it? The type of Christian society that Jesus described was very communist/socialist. Have you not read the New Testament? (0,o)
But to answer your question, strictly speaking, I don't think anything "should" be done, because the word "should" implies an external source of moral absolutism. Do what comes natural to you. And so will I. If playing devil's advocate comes naturally to you, do it. I will engage as I naturally see fit. No problem!