Atheists... Your life is pointless

Mon 1 Apr, 2013 05:37 am
And now you're parroting Malvolio.

Have you ever had a thought all of your own?

Btw, it's possible to TEFL with the most rudimentary of qualifications. A fortnight's course is all it usually takes. The fact you could not understand Spendi's use of vernacular, and tried to pass him off as a non native speaker tells me all I need to know.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 05:39 am
I don't even know who these people you refer to are.

Ever bother to google "argumentum ad hominem"? It might save you a lot of wasted effort in your future posts.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 05:44 am
FBM wrote:

I don't even know who these people you refer to are.

Try removing your head from your arse. I'm done explaining things to you.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 05:46 am
That was quick. I didn't even notice you had started.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 05:51 am
I'm done explaining things to you.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 05:55 am
That was quick. I didn't even realize you'd started.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 05:56 am
I bet you hear that a lot.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 05:58 am
Ever get around to that "argumentum ad hominem" thing? It's a worthwhile read, I promise. Wink
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 06:31 am
The question was, FB, whether you were maintaining that hypocrisy and atrocity are the monopoly preserve of the religious.

I think you are merely using these pejorative words in the service of justifying your rejection of Christian morality.

What would the world, your world, be like with no hypocrisy and no atrocity?

Making pointless noises off does not mean we haven't noticed your reticence to answer such questions.

What we would like is for you to treat us like grown ups and stop using cheap tricks which we all became familiar with at an early age.

Do you think the Christian religion was a mistake and that it should be extirpated forthwith, along with all its works, as many communists think?
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 06:33 am
You're going to have your work cut out for you mate. FB can't even remember who you are.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 06:34 am
Forgetfulness is very convenient at times. It is one of the variations of Ostrichism like Ignore is. Head in the sand, arse in the air so to speak.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 06:38 am
One needs to be reminded to wind the clock, if nothing else.
0 Replies
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 06:38 am
What is so amusing is that they think we don't notice.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 06:40 am

Btw, you'd expect an English teacher to have a cursory knowledge of Shakespeare at the very least.
0 Replies
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 06:44 am
spendius wrote:

The question was, FB, whether you were maintaining that hypocrisy and atrocity are the monopoly preserve of the religious.

I clearly stated that hypocrisy is widespread throughout humanity, not monopolized by theists. But that doesn't excuse the theist manifestations, does it? It simply illuminates them.

I think you are merely using these pejorative words in the service of justifying your rejection of Christian morality.

Who said I reject Christian morality? I rather like compassion, generosity, forbearance and the like. I'm just pointing out how rare it is to find those qualities among Christians themselves. Instead, I more often get Christians spewing hatred and condemnation on me for not believing in their preferred supernatural deity instead of remembering what Matthew 5:44 demanded of them.

What would the world, your world, be like with no hypocrisy and no atrocity?

Honest and peaceful?

Making pointless noises off does not mean we haven't noticed your reticence to answer such questions.

Where have I refused to answer any question?

What we would like is for you to treat us like grown ups and stop using cheap tricks which we all became familiar with at an early age.

Pointing out hypocrisy and offering evidence is a cheap trick? Seriously?

Do you think the Christian religion was a mistake and that it should be extirpated forthwith, along with all its works, as many communists think?

What does communism have to do with it? The type of Christian society that Jesus described was very communist/socialist. Have you not read the New Testament? (0,o)

But to answer your question, strictly speaking, I don't think anything "should" be done, because the word "should" implies an external source of moral absolutism. Do what comes natural to you. And so will I. If playing devil's advocate comes naturally to you, do it. I will engage as I naturally see fit. No problem! Smile
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 06:51 am
FBM wrote:
. If playing devil's advocate comes naturally to you, do it. I will engage as I naturally see fit.

You see, you've learned a new phrase already. You'd best go and have a lie down, you don't want to overdo things.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 06:57 am
I guess you're not going to do it yourself, so I'll make it easy for you:

Philosophy 103: Introduction to Logic
Argumentum Ad Hominem

Abstract: The argument concerning the attack of a person's character or circumstances is characterized and shown to be sometimes persuasive but normally fallacious.


Argumentum ad Hominem (abusive and circumstantial): the fallacy of attacking the character or circumstances of an individual who is advancing a statement or an argument instead of trying to disprove the truth of the statement or the soundness of the argument. Often the argument is characterized simply as a personal attack.

The personal attack is also often termed an "ad personem argument": the statement or argument at issue is dropped from consideration or is ignored, and the locutor's character or circumstances are used to influence opinion.

The fallacy draws its appeal from the technique of "getting personal." The assumption is that what the locutor is saying is entirely or partially dictated by his character or special circumstances and so should be disregarded.

The "tu quoque" or charging the locutor with "being just like the person" the locutor speaking about, is a narrower variety of this fallacy. In other words, rather than trying to disprove a remark about someone's character or circumstances, one accuses the locutor of having the same character or circumstances.

In cross examination or in debate, the point is often expressed as "My point might be bad, but yours is worse."

If the subject includes an assessment of behavior, the point can be put "So I do x [some specific action], but you do too."

Since the circumstantial variety of the ad hominem can be regarded as a special case of the abusive, the distinction between the abusive and the circumstantial is often ignored.

Informal Structure of ad Hominem
Person L says argument A.
Person L's circumstance or character is not satisfactory.
Argument A is not a good argument.

Examples of the ad hominem:

A prosecutor asks the judge to not admit the testimony of a burglar because burglars are not trustworthy.

Francis Bacon's philosophy should be dismissed since Bacon was removed from his chancellorship for dishonesty.

Prof. Smith says to Prof. White, "You are much too hard on your students," and Prof. White replies, "But certainly you are not the one to say so. Just last week I heard several of your students complaining."

I can't see that we should listen to Governor Smith's proposal to increase the sales tax on automobiles. He has spent the last twenty years in state government and is hardly an unbiased source.

Uses of ad hominem considerations:

When examining literary or philosophical works, looking at the author's character or circumstances can sometimes provide insight into that person's ideas. In other words, ad hominem considerations can show motives and can sometimes provide explanation. However, these considerations do not demonstrate the truth or falsity of the ideas.

The character of a person is often relevant in consideration of the sincerity of views being offered and so is often relevant to pragmatic decision-making.

Self-reference and ad hominem:

If a philosopher presents a "naturalistic view of knowledge," arguing that all knowledge is a function of the adjustment of an organism to its environment and at the same time pleads that his own knowledge is an exception to this generalization, then the ad hominem fallacy would occur.
If William James were to claim that all philosophers were either tender-minded or tough-minded except for him with respect to his own variety of pragmatism, then an ad hominem appeal should not be ruled inadmissible against James..

Mon 1 Apr, 2013 07:02 am
Have you ever heard of the phrase, 'Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs?'

Obviously not.

I suppose you should be congratulated on understanding a basic latin phrase.

Here's another one for you.

Morbi egreditur ex ore vestro non tam stercore.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 07:11 am
Switching to a red herring fallacy? Why? Still got no legitimate rational response? Your primary fall-back is an ad hom. How about trying legitimate logic and evidence-based reasoning for a change? You're just going from one fallacy to another. If you take up a devil's advocate role, expect to be engaged as though you hold the position you present.
Mon 1 Apr, 2013 07:19 am
FBM wrote:

Switching to a red herring fallacy? Why? Still got no legitimate rational response? Your primary fall-back is an ad hom. How about trying legitimate logic and evidence-based reasoning for a change?

Why? Because you're not worth the time and effort, that's why.

You've shown simplistic reasoning and a bumpersticker mentality. Not only that, you've been up all night arguing. That is really sad.

Try getting out a bit more.

My little boy wants to use the computer so I'm signing off now.


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