This silly contention that one needs god to be moral raises many awkward questions for would-be budding theologians. Does this mean that before makind invented gods . . . Oh! . . . i'm sorry, before God revealed himself to mankind (

) . . . that all of humanity were immoral and depraved? If one group declares that the god of another group is a false god, does that mean that that second group is immoral and depraved (and therefore, ripe for rapine and plunder)? Does that mean that people who have never conceived of a god are immoral and depraved? Are people such as animists, who believe that all of nature is imbued with supernatural spirits, but don't believe in a god are immoral and depraved? My, my, my . . . how
did humanity ever survive and prosper?
Of course, there is a certain force to the argument--we all know that Buddhists are immoral and depraved. (That was special, just for FBM.)