Atheists... Your life is pointless

Mon 18 Mar, 2013 06:33 pm
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Mon 18 Mar, 2013 06:54 pm
I thought it may have been Chinese or something but it looks like it may be Unicode. Question
Mon 18 Mar, 2013 08:05 pm
@reasoning logic,
I am thinking, that you know what it means since you made the comment about the blood flow to the brain?, but may be a bit incapacitated? But wth, I will go with the flow also...Ice Demon's posts (that were similar to those writings you refer to as "Chinese") are just his or hers postings of the English language upside down, and reverse...

I am more interested in where they got the program to do that...and why...
Ice Demon
Mon 18 Mar, 2013 09:19 pm
(: ɹǝsʍoɹq ɹnoʎ ɥʇıʍ ǝ1ıɟ uǝdo puɐ 'ǝ1ıɟ 1ɯʇɥ ʇop ɐ sɐ ʇı ǝʌɐs uǝɥʇ 'pɐdǝʇou ɐ oʇ ʇı buıʇsɐd puɐ buıʎdoɔ sɐ ʎsɐǝ 'ʇuɐʍ noʎ ɟı ǝpoɔ ǝɥʇ ǝʌɐɥ uɐɔ noʎ

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Ice Demon
Mon 18 Mar, 2013 09:46 pm
re Matt's deleted post:
No Matt, it is a very fluffy code. Useless javascript program, really, just like this thread. All fluff, no substance.
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 06:05 am
Thank you Spendi for your perspective.

I think it might be better if you tried to understand my perspective before thanking me for it Matt. It is not at all unique.

What is it you are having difficulty with?

I WISH either my father or my mother,
or indeed both of them, as they
were in duty both equally bound to it,
had minded what they were about when
they begot me; had they duly consider'd
how much depended upon what they
were then doing;

The first part of the first sentence of Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne published in 1759.

An objective, scientific intelligence does not use words like "bleak". And no defence is required for facts. It is all very well to claim to be telling it like it is as an aggressive conversational gambit and it quite another thing to actually tell it like it is.
Frank Apisa
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 06:35 am
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5281721)
**** off Frank.

No. And that was uncalled for.

You are not at the table. You only think you are.

You know that how?

By the way: I am sorry your life is so miserable that you feel the way you do about life in general. Actually, it was a surprise to find you feel the way you do about life. Up until now I thought you were a bit weird and pretentious...but a rather happy person.
0 Replies
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 06:38 am
Why do you require objectivity of anyone?
Are atheists somehow less human?
All human experience is subjective, all human interaction (communication, culture, religion, art) is inter-subjective, not objective.
I am not at all understanding why you keep equating "atheism" with your various straw men (Darwinism, capitalism, nihilism).
I think most agree that language, and culture, and art are human "inventions". Great and useful and valued. Why is it you assume that humans who recognize religion as cultural phenomena, would then have a bleak world view?
It is obvious to me you value art. Why do you value it?
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 06:46 am
@Ice Demon,
Sorry Ice I deleted it because I thought after I wrote it it might appear snide. The comment's intent was to be playful. I thought the way I had written was too terse.
0 Replies
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:04 am
Theists demand absolute proof from science, but then excuse themselves from the same requirement.
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:09 am
This never ending thread is interesting for short periods of times so I come and go on it.

However as I read this thread and similar threads on this website one question keep coming back and it is the same question that I had since my ten year on this earth.

How does any normally intelligent adult give any credit to such silly stories that any of the major religion faiths put forward?

Three in one all powerful god, bringing rotting corpses back to life and so on and of course endless torture if you dare not to believe such nonsense.

Come on people you got to be joking.................
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:33 am
Why do you require objectivity of anyone?

I don't. But I do require that those who claim to be objective should show some sign of being so.

Are atheists somehow less human?

Not to me. I am one myself and I'm human. But anybody, it is said, can become President of the USA except an atheist.

All human experience is subjective, all human interaction (communication, culture, religion, art) is inter-subjective, not objective.

I don't think the first part of that sentence fits with the second part. I agree that human interaction regarding communication, culture, religion, and art is pretty subjective but not "all human experience". My experience of the sun setting is objective. My reaction to that is subjective.

I am not at all understanding why you keep equating "atheism" with your various straw men (Darwinism, capitalism, nihilism).

It generally is equated with those things these days. From my understanding of the Classical Stoics and Cynics it was equated with nihilism. Capitalism is a special use of money as point of force rather than as a simple object. It is a development of the dynamic mathematics of the Christian project.

I suppose atheism is equated with Darwinism because so many atheists have used the theory of evolution in their argument if not in relation to their own lives. Nepotism, for example, is not an evolutionary principle. The Church is nearer to evolution with regard to nepotism which is an insidious corrosive force similar to that of weak and slow reacting acids.

I don't have a bleak world view. I have a world view.

I value art because it amuses me and shows me things I would not have seen without it. Picasso's Weeping Woman for example.
Frank Apisa
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:34 am
Some humans simply will not allow themselves to be open-minded enough to consider the possibility of highly improbable circumstances…or of circumstances that conflict with something they have predetermined to be true.

The pressures that cause SOME atheists to insist there are no gods (that the existence of a GOD or of gods is impossible) is at work in theists to insist that a GOD has to exist to explain existence. That, apparently, is how they get there.

I’m surprised you have a problem understanding that…but perhaps that is because you are only ten years old.
0 Replies
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:34 am
The literal interpretations of "scripture" are a relatively recent phenomena.
This became more common after the reformation, when non-scholars (non-priests) began reading the Bible for themselves. By reading the Bible of course this meant reading the King James English translation of the Bibles (plural intended).
The reformation of course helped end the political monopoly that the Roman Catholic church enjoyed, but it inadvertently opened the door to myriad schisms of "Christianity".
Everyone began to have their own personal Jesus.
0 Replies
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:40 am
But anybody, it is said, can become President of the USA except an atheist.

Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson
Ice Demon
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:45 am
Nah, he was all over the place
Jefferson and Religion by Eugene R. Sheridan wrote:
Jefferson’s demythologized version of Christianity, like so many other aspects of his life and thought, resists easy historical categories. It was anti-Trinitarian in its concept of God, Christian in its acceptance of the morality of Jesus, skeptical in its rejection of biblical revelation and church dogma, deistic in its conviction that the clergy had deliberately corrupted the pure doctrines of Jesus to serve their selfish purposes, rationalistic in its assumption that human reason was the only valid source of religious truth, and humanistic in its equation of religion with morality. In the end Jefferson probably best described his peculiarly eclectic faith when he observed of himself: “I am of a sect by myself, as far as I know.”
Frank Apisa
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:47 am
Re: spendius (Post 5282053)
But anybody, it is said, can become President of the USA except an atheist.

Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson Jefferson

Do you have anything other than attacks from opponents to substantiate that Jefferson was an atheist.

It seems to me that most of his writing indicates that he was what would soon become known as an agnostic...or he was a deist.

But I would like to hear what you have to offer.
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:50 am
Spendius wrote:
My experience of the sun setting is objective.

Then who experiences it?
Spendius wrote:
But I do require that those who claim to be objective should show some sign of being so.
I don't know who claims this. If this is a reference to the empirical method, then quite simply this is a method of inferring "objectivity" from repeatable subjective and inter-subjective results. Objectivity is an idealized conceptual model. One which has great success in prediction. It seems that perhaps you have a limited understanding of what science is. Science is not simply the emperical method. It is not the "scientific method", as it is often described in secondary school (in the USA). Science has been popularly recognized as paradigmatic (by scientists) since about 1950.
[Reference Thomas S. Kuhn.]
Spendius wrote:
I don't have a bleak world view.

That is truly a relief. Your prose seemed quite dismal of late.
Spendius wrote:
I have a world view.

As do we all.
0 Replies
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:51 am
Theists demand absolute proof from science, but then excuse themselves from the same requirement.

There are sciences which I presume you are excluding. And there are theists too who you are excluding. There is cause and effect relating to matter and there is cause and effect relating to social organisation which is a subject atheists are fond of excluding from their thoughts.

What are the effects on social organisation of atheism if the belief is embraced by everybody as it bids fair to do in North Korea. We have no experience of that. The religious believer simply points to the world around if asked for the effects of Christianity.

Kant's Categorical Imperative insists that promoting an idea requires envisaging it being embraced by everybody.
Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:54 am
@Ice Demon,
Nah, he was all over the place

Nonsense as he rejected all the supernatural nonsense in a very open manner even those he was of the opinion that a person name Jesus existed and was a great moral teacher.

His Jefferson bible in fact took out all the supernatural nonsense out of the new testament leaving in Jesus moral teachings..

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