Setanta Wrote:
Quote:Take a nerve pill, MOAN, go lie down in a darkened room and chill . . . Creasy is all over the boards here with hatefulness, racism, homophobia--a host of truly nasty things to say to and about people.
Not that i'd expect you to notice, since much of the crapola he spouts warms the cockles of your little christian heart.
Setanta, I never said he was right, did I? If you really read what I post you find me telling EVERYONE that it is never ok IMO for ANYONE to call ANYONE any names. That goes for whatever side of the fence they are on.
And no Set, it doesn't warm the cockles of my little Christian heart. Actually, it makes my heart cry. It makes me sad that people can get so angry, bitter, resentful, contemptuous, hateful, etc., at one another and start tearing each other down. I believe we should lift each other up.