@John Creasy,
My dear scared little child how it must suck to be you, to go through all the days of your life in fear of death. In fact so in fear of death that you clutch at any wild fairy tale. Until one can accept the specter of death one cannot embrace nor appreciate life. The hold of superstition has on modern man is unbelievable even when he knows that all the evidence debunks his dark superstitions he clings to them even more desperately.
Religious cults and they are all religious cults live in the vivid imagination of their followers. Some seek so hard to believe that they will believe in anything. Charley Mansion’s followers were nothing more than a religious cult that made Charlie Mansion their god.
You like most religious cult followers understand nothing about morality. Morality exists in man and it was religious cults who lifted morality from man and claimed as their gift. People do not need religion to be moral but religion needs to claim that it is the fountainhead of morality. At eighteen I had no problem seeing through the crap that was organized religion. I was raised in a religious family that never missed church or mass on a holy day. I attended all the required classes on religion and I told my mom on my 18th birthday I would never go into a church again. At 62 I have keep that promise with the exceptions of weddings and funerals. I have never doubted my decisions for a minute but the preachers who tried to change my mind soon began to doubt their faith.
No I haven’t lived the life of a serial killer, in fact I never took the first drink, or used an illegal drug. I spent much of life helping people as a union officer and union president. At work I put con men behind bars those that steal from the elderly. I always tell the victims of cons to watch out for the religious scammers who start out the conversation with what a good Christian they are. I tell them run don’t walk away.
Most people arrested for child molestation around here are “good” Christian preachers and many of the victims I knew were molested at good Christian functions. Don’t tell others about morality when you don’t have a clue. I think people are attracted to religious cults because they lack a good moral compass themselves and hope to substitute someone else’s that is far worse.
As for me like Caligula, “I have been here since the beginning of time and I will be here when the last star falls from the sky.” What we think of as us is in a constant state of flux changing as cells die and others are born, very few of the cells that made up our body at birth are still alive at age 20 year nor are most of those cells at age 40. The narrative of self survives the living tissue and even that is edited to suit our self-image.
We may never know which came first the chicken or the egg? But we will always know that man came first and he made up religion to explain his existence.
John you are looking for answers you will never find in the darkness of superstition. Whenever you think you have found the answers to life the floor will fall out from under you. You will seek a false sense of security in numbers. Herd animals live and die by the number of other people going the wrong direction.