Atheists... Your life is pointless

Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:11 am
I am not whining, and I am not running for cover...nor have I insulted you...

0 Replies
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:15 am
I see no facts of any kind. Mere assertions of "thats what god aid, its good enough for me". Hardly a fact.

Is the similar " life " of the Egyptian god Akhenaten a mere coincidence to predate a Biblical account of a Jesus or is it some really powerful coincidence?

Does the appearance of God-like creatures in the MAusterian culture significant to belief systems?

Are you asking these questions because you want the answers? Or do you "think" you "know" the answers??

If it is what I perceive it to be...then like I said, Do not even need to answer them...It is a trap!
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:22 am
@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:

PS, youll never get RL to understand that noone really watches his movies and they dont really add anything. Many have tried, none have succeeded.

Many times when you speak of things out side of you field of expertise you look stupider and stupider.

Many scientist would laugh at you if you think Pat's work does not really add anything of value.

I'm not talking for farmerman, but my experience tells me that you post a lot of **** videos. What you could do, is what Spade asked you to do, and summarise the main points, but you can't, because that would involve thinking.

Instead of thinking, you post a load of crap videos, in the mistaken belief it makes you appear smart. It doesn't, it makes you an uncritical idiot who thinks youtube is an acceptable substitute for having an idea.

Here's an idea for you, don't post any more ******* videos until you're prepared to summarise them.
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:24 am
@reasoning logic,
:0 smh meanie hehehehe Wink
0 Replies
reasoning logic
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:28 am
Here's an idea for you, don't post any more ******* videos until you're prepared to summarise them.

Here is an idea for you, why don't you stop sticking your brown nose between Setanta's legs and licking his balls as if you are a dog.

Grow the **** up Izzy.
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:32 am
@reasoning logic,
You're the ******* idiot if you think I suck up to Setanta. Take the challenge, summarise one of your videos.

You're being over emotional. Are you a psychopath?
reasoning logic
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:36 am
You're being over emotional. Are you a psychopath?

No not really, I am just trying a sociological approach, trying to see how if feels to be a person who feels a need to be negative and to cuss often.
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:42 am
My experience teaches me to be cordial to those whom i meet who are no threat to me, and a native affection impels me to make the world as comfortable for those whom i value as i am able. I don't need somebody's imaginary friend for that.

Kim Jong-un would say that. So would Joe Stalin have. And Col Gadaffi. History is full of the bastards. One can see anyone coyly playing with the niece at a family do and the lackeys beaming complacently saying "he's a lovely fellow you see".

Setanta knows so little about history that you would have to put his head in a HKE (that's a history knowledge exterminator), before you could start applying remedies.

I can imagine the Founding Fathers separating Church and State with such benign platitudes before going off to a big, well appointed dinner and shagging a good looker they bought on the block. You can read page after page of Bertrand Russell and never realise what a resolute and avid shagger he was. Not as bad as A.J. "Freddie" Ayer mind you ; the world famous logical ******* positivist. Sartre cannot be discussed on a forum open to inexperienced eyes and the Divine Marquis should never really be mentioned at all. And Prof. Dawkins seems up to speed if his marital endeavours are anything to go by. Hitler was fond of ******* dogs.

A mouthful of trite, well rehearsed cliches, designed to flatter oneself to oneself, possibly others who are temporarily devoid of their wits, spouted in a computer room in some residence of the type the average A2Ker has the use of, some even believing that the own it, (using "own" in the way Beth used it the other day), is neither here nor there, misses the whole point and helps nobody, except the spouter, in any feasible direction.

I certainly don't wish to be ruled by an elite in whose salons "my experience teaches me to be cordial to those whom i meet who are no threat to me, and a native affection impels me to make the world as comfortable for those whom i value as i am able. I don't need somebody's imaginary friend for that, hurummppphh! " passes as polite conversation and is not greeted by guffaws and a bucket of whitewash from three feet.

Our Imaginary Friend is the only thing that stands between you and the dogs coming to rip your throat out. If you are not a good little boy being as good as you can I mean.

That's what you have to argue with. What happens when our Imaginary Friend is no more? Accidentally burning a couple of Korans will be a speck in the distance. (Why didn't we offer to let them burn a few dozen Bibles on the Strangelove principle to even it up.)

As I have said before on this thread, the atheist cannot help being an atheist. Belief does not come on a platter. But preaching aetheism is another level of activity. That can only be motivated by wanting atheism to come universally. We have Kant's word for that.

Perish the thought. This thread is for affected flouncing. None of our atheists want atheism to come universally. They would have no Aunt Sally for a start.
cicerone imposter
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:45 am
spendi, Your knowledge of history is almost nonexistent! We've challenged you on so many of your claims about history, it's a wonder you have the audacity to say that about another poster! Mr. Green Mr. Green Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Drunk Drunk Drunk Shocked
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:47 am
@reasoning logic,
I don't ******* cuss. Have you started drinking? What did you do before youtube came along? It must have been really difficult before a load of conspiracy nutters came along and told you what to think.

I've not seen any evidence of a sociological approach to anything. Your approach is as follows.
1. Find a **** video on youtube.
2. Post the **** video.
3. Plead with all and sundry to watch your **** video.
4. Insult people who are sick of watching your **** videos.
5. Refuse to summarise your **** videos, or even give a brief outline.
6. Claim to be taking a sociological, psychoanalytical, psychodynamic (or any other buzz word that takes your fancy) approach to things.
7. Accuse anyone who won't watch your video of being a psychopath, sociopath or drunkard.
8. Find another **** video and repeat the process.
reasoning logic
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:49 am
I did not have to read much to realize there was nothing there of value.
0 Replies
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:51 am
:\ are you two still discussing the topic or something else now?
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:57 am
Next time you're on the vinegar stroke ask yourself (and now you will,)

I sincerely hope that doesn't cause a diversion, similar to the cards one, on the subject of what we might ask ourselves if in the same position. Readers of VIZ, and the defunct ZIT, could probably deal with most things though.
0 Replies
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:57 am
@cicerone imposter,
LMAO, Spendi could be posting in gibberish...and it would still make a Hell of a lot MORE sense than that of Setanta....If you can catch my drift!! Wink Wink Very Happy 2 Cents
0 Replies
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:59 am
:\ are you two still discussing the topic or something else now?

Topics jump around a lot on here...and pretty much any kind of forums like these...

Others do this...and I see it is wise indeed...When other get into spats...People just get out of the way...
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 11:02 am
This is a bit like a bar brawl, Spendi, Spade, Farmer, Didge and Euro all in the same room knocking lumps out of each other. I just felt like taking a swing at someone, and I couldn't think of a more deserving candidate than RL. I've still not forgiven him for stealing 1 and 1/2 hours of my life by watching his **** videos. That sort of thing leaves a lasting impression.

If you take nothing else from this thread, remember this. Never, I mean never ever, watch any of RL's videos. It's like being shut in a lift with the terminally flatulent.
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 11:04 am
SO, no history, geography, forensics, science, or anything else thats at least worthy of consideration eh?
I see. Now wpould I buy a car from this guy?

Why are economics, sociology and psychology missing from your list of sciences fm?

Don't bother answering. It was a rhetorical question. We know your reason.

And I bet you have a narrow slice of history as well.
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 11:05 am
spendius wrote:
Why are economics, sociology and psychology missing from your list of sciences fm?

Probably because he doesn't want to sound like RL.

And I bet you have a narrow slice of history as well.

Pie again.
0 Replies
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 11:05 am
You have some interesting comments that i can reason with, i guess:)

Only if you agree with the comments.
Sun 26 Feb, 2012 11:31 am
Are you asking these questions because you want the answers? Or do you "think" you "know" the answers??

If it is what I perceive it to be...then like I said, Do not even need to answer them...It is a trap!
Boy oh boy , are you paranoid or what? However, that is a neat way of declaring that you are without a standard clue.

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