Atheists... Your life is pointless

reasoning logic
Mon 11 Jul, 2011 05:29 pm
@Arella Mae,
Thank you. I sincerely appreciate your advice and it seems to me to be pretty wise advice and I believe I'll take it.

I like Spendius and even though he is an atheist he can also come across as a God loving person at times!
Mon 11 Jul, 2011 05:34 pm
Come on Spendius as we are suppose to get our morals from the bible and the bible clearly call for killing gay men and children who talk back and people who dare to work on Sunday.

As Christians would state without the bible we would have no moral guide at all and we would allow all kind of evil to exist such as gay married for example.

In any case I am just following the Christians theory to it logical conclusion.
Mon 11 Jul, 2011 06:01 pm
@reasoning logic,
I like Spendius and even though he is an atheist he can also come across as a God loving person at times!

That statement seems to be implying that to be a good and loving and decent human being you normally need to love some fantasy god.

Now if we are talking about the god of the bible my question would be why you would need to love a evil and psychopathic god in order to be a good person?

All in all it seem just the reverse in real life.
reasoning logic
Mon 11 Jul, 2011 06:08 pm
I was just pointing out to A M that Spendius is an atheist that is supporting the God that she is worshiping!
I wonder how many other atheist that are out there telling Christians that they should worship god and not teach evolution to the children?

He is rather odd as I have not known too many that confess of it!
Mon 11 Jul, 2011 06:51 pm
@reasoning logic,
I wonder how many other atheist that are out there telling Christians that they should worship god and not teach evolution to the children?

Well if he was a US citizen I would had just assume that he was part of the GOP leadership who do not wish the US electives to be too well educated or tie into the real world too tightly.

The more bible pounding fools who rarely even open up their bibles the better for the GOP.
reasoning logic
Mon 11 Jul, 2011 07:03 pm
It is truly sad isn't it? If Jesus was real which he may have been{ I do not know} I think he would be against all of this nonsense! But who knows because of all of the lies that we have been taught we can not know history truly !
Mon 11 Jul, 2011 08:17 pm
@reasoning logic,
If Jesus was real which he may have been{ I do not know} I think he would be against all of this nonsense! But who knows because of all of the lies that we have been taught we can not know history truly !

Well as far as a supernatural Jesus I would say we can be as sure that such did not exist as that Zeus did not exist except as a fantasy.

A Jewish religion leader by that name in that time period who the Christian cult form around who can know one way or another without a time machine.

Strange is it not that a great many people who live even far earlier then that time period we have solid proof of but there is no independent records of such a man.

Odds are fifty-fifty in my opinion that the Jesus story had a real living and breathing man behind it somewhere or other.
0 Replies
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 03:40 am
Come on Spendius as we are suppose to get our morals from the bible and the bible clearly call for killing gay men and children who talk back and people who dare to work on Sunday.

That is total rubbish Bill. We are not supposed to get our morals from the Bible. And we don't do. It would be a good idea if you read it and some of the commentary and scholarship dealing with it.

Christian theory is represented by the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Tue 12 Jul, 2011 04:08 am
spendius wrote:
That is total rubbish Bill. We are not supposed to get our morals from the Bible. And we don't do.

Actually there are many christians who say that they do get their morality from the bible. In fact I know of one christian on this site who makes that claim. I am not supporting the idea, but only trying to show how christians pretty much lack consistency when one can claim one thing and another claim the opposite.

I agree the bible is one of the worst places to find morality.
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 04:27 am
Saying is not doing and one Christian on this site proves nothing significant.
0 Replies
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 04:56 am
I agree the bible is one of the worst places to find morality.

The bible is clearly not a good placed to get your morality from however that is a very very common claims of Christians along without a belief in an all powerful god that will punish you for not being moral the society would fall apart as it would be just every man or woman for themselves.

0 Replies
Arella Mae
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 07:45 am
No matter what any of us say, NONE of us KNOWS whether Jesus existed or not. I FIRMLY BELIEVE He did but I can't say I KNOW it anymore than any of you can.

It's about faith. It is not about proof. God would not be much of a supreme being if He had to prove Himself to His creation.

As far as some really not liking what God has done so far, I think when I can create a world, a universe, etc., then maybe I'd have a right to judge God but I know that's not going to happen. I don't understand why He has done some of the things He has done but if He wanted to wipe mankind from the face of the earth it would be His right to do so and He'd have plenty of justified reasoning for it.

If you don't believe, then don't. That's not the problem. The problem is when people start deciding others are "crazy" because they believe. Who are any of us to judge whether someone is crazy for a belief?

I am not pointing any fingers in this post. I would like to make that perfectly clear. Just something for us all to think about maybe.
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 08:00 am
Come on Spendius as we are suppose to get our morals from the bible and the bible clearly call for killing gay men and children who talk back and people who dare to work on Sunday.
Why dont you understand the difference between morality and law ? Did it occur to you an atheist might have had input into the law ?
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 08:02 am
@Arella Mae,
He has done but if He wanted to wipe mankind from the face of the earth it would be His right to do so and He'd have plenty of justified reasoning for it.

From any sane world view any god who would wipe out mankind is a devil not any kind of being all powerful or not all powerful any sane person would worship!!!!!

An from the sick logic above it would then be ok if a parent kill a defenseless child.

The problem is when people start deciding others are "crazy" because they believe. Who are any of us to judge whether someone is crazy for a belief?

We decide that all the time if someone world view is so out of line with the real universe that he or she is a danger to him or her self or others and have them lock up and treated.

Given the history of religion people all such are just a fairly small numbers of steps from going into a jungle and killings themselves and their children as in Jones town or hunting non-believers down and killing them as had happen countless times in human history.

0 Replies
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 08:05 am
Why dont you understand the difference between morality and law ? Did it occur to you an atheist might have had input into the law ?

I am just going by what I can see and hear any time day and night by the religion leadership in the US.

Now some of you are lucky to be living outside of the US where the religion nuts are not as common or as powerful.
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 08:08 am
I sympathise entirely when having to tolerate religious nuts... but I argue the basics of religion are good for people . It is the power of the twit out in front of them that has to be curtailed . As for the Bible, it is a history book, not a science book and it has many morals to teach... just dont read it with a modern prejudice .
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 08:22 am
and it has many morals to teach... just dont read it with a modern prejudice .

Such as killing gay men or taking over another tribe lands and then killing defenseless women and the children in the mothers arms?

Keeping alive only the young women who had yet to know a man.
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 08:40 am
@John Creasy,
Just as Solomon put it "Meaningless of meaningless, everything is Meaningless."
0 Replies
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 09:50 am
Your Hobbyhorse is ridiculous Bill. I can't imagine what you're trying to prove.

The religious nuts in the US seem to have a much greater effect on you than they do on the rest of your population. The situation in the eastern Mediterranean 2,500 years ago is nothing like the situation now and nobody can be expected to answer for it.

The Bible is one long protest against barbarity. It's as if the historians of the future will take their cue on our time from the likes of Manson and Dahmer and Jack the Ripper.

You're embarrassing yourself actually. Read about what atheists got up to in the streets of Paris in the early 1790s.

On September 3, the princesse de Lamballe fell afoul of the executioners. One of them stabbed her in the stomach, ripped open her clothing, and sliced off her breasts and vulva, to the great amusement of the patriots, who shouted: "The whore! Nobody will go poking her now!" After cutting off her head and forcing a wigmaker to curl her long tresses, the mob mounted its trophy on the end of a pike and displayed it outside Marie-Antoinette's windows at the Temple. The mass "executions" proceeded without let up until September 6. In all the prisons of Paris, bloodthirsty assassins indulged in the worst excesses; In Saint-Firmin, the Chatelet, La Force, the Saltpetriere, the Bernardins.

The Marquis de Sade wrote in a private letter--

Ten thousand prisoners perished in the events of September 3. There is nothing to equal the horror of the massacres that were committed. The ci-devant princesse de Lamballe numbered among the victims. Her head on a pike was offered up to the eyes of the king and queen, and her unfortunate corpse was dragged through the streets for eight hours after having been subjected to the filthy indignities of the most outrageous debauch. All the refractory priests had their throats cut in the churches where they were being held, among them the archbishop of Arles, the most virtuous and respectable of men.

Turn it up Bill. You're just believing the bits in the Bible you want to believe.

The sources for the above are in Maurice Lever's famous biography of de Sade who, incidentally, was vehemently opposed to capital punishment.
Tue 12 Jul, 2011 10:30 am
spendius wrote:

The sources for the above are in Maurice Lever's famous biography of de Sade who, incidentally, was vehemently opposed to capital punishment.

Being stuck in a cell with a load of rotting corpes piled up outside will do that to a man.

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