Oh ****, I forgot to give you all the updated scoop, didn't I? The three-day trial has turned into a six-week gig, at least. On day two, I asked about thursday and friday, because I was trying to schedule an interview for something else, and I just wanted to confirm that they only wanted to keep me until wednesday. Within minutes I was congratulated and told that they liked me and wanted to keep me for at least another six weeks. Score!
I am basically filling in for a guy who is recovering from major surgery, and from what I've heard, he will be out for the next six weeks for sure, and most likely longer. But even if he comes back and I have to leave after the six weeks is up, I've got work all through November and most of December, which were, as you know, the months that I was most worried about, being the holidays and all.
Plus, the guy who I'm working for/with tells me that they are looking to expand this department and branch out into more of a vendor (guys who output film and mechanicals and use Brisques to rip jobs and other printing terms that sound impressive) role, which would mean that they will probably need more people, which means that if I can do well here, I might be on the fast track to some future spot in the department.
Plus, I like the place. It's a fun place, the people are friendly, I can wear jeans and a t-shirt if I want to, and it will look real good on a resume.
Plus, there's a girl who sits a few spots away from me with a beathtakingly fantastic rack.
So tell Eugenie that as of this moment, I'm very happy with things, but I'm trying not to get too excited, because it just seems like everything is working out too damn perfectly right now. Although I do have the urge to do the Snoopy happy dance,
I am holding back for now, for superstitious jinx-type reasons.